got mw appt week tmro..


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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im really nervous actually... im scared im gonna have diabetes and high bp..

reasons behind this are...

headaches, and they get more painfull if i walk up the stairs...i.e my bp has risen when i go up the stairs..

and if i dont eat say, have breakfast at 9, if i havent eatten agoin by 1, i get weak and shaky..

i really really dont want either,,are these symptoms normal? am i just over reacting.. i have avoided the issue before, ive not had my blood pressure or urine checked yet.. and im 16 weeks..(bp checked when i fell down teh stairs was like 150/80 putting it down to stressing over baby and fall)
I got my midwife appt tomorrow... i am scared but for different reasons.. i hate needles... I get similar problemsm to u.. I am on blood pressure tablets at the moment and check my blood pressure at home every other day and its fine.. but i still get the headaches when walking around..... i get the shakes also.. i have already been tested for diabetes etc and i was fine.. so i would not worry..
I get the same with the shaky stuff and my MW appointment last week was fine. The important thing to remember that most things can be controlled during pregnancy so try not to stress out too much about it all. Will only make things worse.

Am sure you will be fine :hug:
god i hope its all ok.. lol.. gl for ur appt tmro xxx
Don't worry about your appointment I'm sure it will all be fine. Did you have high bp or diabetes with Charlotte? I have low bp 98/60 so see stars a lot.

Good luck honey


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