16 week bloods show high proteins?!

Anna B

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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I had blood taken at my 16 week appt, and the MW rang last night and told my boyfriend (I was at work) that the results have come back with high protein levels. What does that mean?? I have to go for an extra scan next week because of it, but if it was something really bad, surely they would have had me in today?? I am waiting til the MW will be in to call her to find out what happening but does ayone have any ideas?? I'm a bit worried, had dreams about miscarrying last night!!!
Hi Anna,

the proteins won't cause you to miscarry, don't worry.

The human kidney is like a sieve, with specific sized holes. Only small things can get through into the urine. Normally proteins are way too big too pass through the sieve so they remain in the bloodstream. If you have protein in your urine it means that there is probably a little damage to your kidneys. This is very common in pregnant women and shouldn't cause any problems for the baby. Or it may mean you have bacteria in your urine (a urine infection). These bacteria can multiply and get to your kidneys and cause the damage. So it could either be a urine infection or pregnancy-related kidney problems. For the infection, you can have a course of antibiotics which will clear it right up. Also try to drink pots of water from now on to flush everything out and prevent future infections.

Your quite early to be showing signs of anything like pre-eclampsia (which sometimes presents with protein in the urine), so don't worry about that. And even if it was, it will be picked up nice and early so any complications can be avoided.

Basically, try not to worry, the good thing is that it's been picked up now, instead of later. I hope you get on well when you speak to the midwife, but you should definitely get a repeat sample analysed. What was you blood pressure like at your last check-up? And was there any glucose in your urine? Also, have you suffered from swelling of the joints?

oops! that should have said "lots" of water, not "pots"!!!!! Although amounts to the same thing!

O, just got off the phone. he protein is in my blood, not my urine, so coule be dow to a large placenta, a small bleed, or worse case, something like spina bifida. She did say thate the levels were only slightly raised, and the scan was just a precaution, still a bit worrying though!!! I keep thinking whether I took my folic acid for long enough (it made me feel bad, so I stopped taking it at 13 weeks, thats ok though isn't it?? I took it right from TTC) have I done anything to caue another bleed that haven't notice (I did have a small cervical bleed a few weeks back). Oooh! wish it would hurry up and be next week already!!
there should be loads of protein in your blood anyway. Did she say that it was raised levels of a specific protein? That would make more sense.

With regards to the folic acid, they do say to take it from when you are trying to have a baby and is most important for the first 13 weeks. But if I were you I'd take a pregnancy multivitamin right through pregnancy. They contain the same levels of folic acid, plus loads of other goodies! I have been taking vitamins all the way through, and will continue until I am due. Pregnacare or Sanatogen pronatal are both good brands.

Hi Anna,

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this. It might be nothing, but it's a worry you don't need! I don't really know anything about "protein in the blood", except what I've read about screening tests, but I imagine it's the same thing - that they picked it up during your elected screening for Downs/spina bifida? I refused these tests because they cannot tell you anything definite and can lead to unecessary worry (like you're experiencing now).

What you probably had a couple of weeks ago is the Alphafeto protein (AFP) test, which measures the amount of alphafeto protein (AFP) in your blood. This is the simplest way of screening large numbers of women for markers of spina bifida. If the level of AFP in your blood is very high, this COULD "indicate" that your baby has spina bifida or anencephaly. This means that even if VERY high, it still does not tell for sure whether your baby has spina bifida. Also, it sounds like the AFP in your blood is not very high, so chances are, everything will be fine.

Here's something I picked up from the internet:

'Always remember that screening tests are not very reliable. There are a number of factors which could influence their accuracy. For example:

If you are outside the 16-18 weeks optimum testing time
If you are very overweight or very underweight
If you are Afro-Caribbean
If you are pregnant with twins
If you have diabetes which is controlled by insulin injections
If you have recently had any vaginal bleeding

Anna, the last point would certainly apply to you. No matter what we say on here to try and reassure you, you are still (naturally) going to worry. The reason that they're probably making you wait a bit for your scan is that a detailed, anomaly scan is best performed around 19-20 weeks. Look on the bright side (even if it's only a slither of brightness right now) - at least you'll get to see your baby again next week :D

I hope everything goes okay, I'm sure it will. Let us know how you are.

Thanks for the reassurance guys, it does make me feel better :) I have managed to not think about it too much, like you said Wendy, I did have a little bleed, so I'm putting it down to that til Wednesday.

It was the AFP test that they got the numbers from. I elected to have the test as I have always thought it is better to be prepaired. I have nothing whatsoever against having a disabled child, I grew up with a girl with Downs, and she was one of my best friends, I would never use soemthing like that as a reason for getting a termianation or anything, I just wanted to know before the birth so we could be as ready as possible. Not sure if that is particularlt relevent, or on topic, but I just wanted to say it an case anyone wondered;)

I got a second scan date in the post yesterday, so it looks like I'll be having another one one the 20th, so I'll get to see my baby again!! :dance:

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