14 year old kizzy and her baby?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
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did any1 see the documentary last night following kizzy a 14 year old who got pregnant?

it showed her through the pregnancy, and after the birth. I thought it was really good. she seems so grounded and what a cutie bubs is! the real dad didnt want anything to do with his son, but shes now seeing another bloke who treats the baby like his own yay! xxxx
Was that on again? I watched it in hospital the night beofre I had Lily. I found it a really good watch :D

Babys dad was a bit of a div thou!
I just saw bits of it as hubby was flicking the channel back and fore :roll:

It was on BBC3 so it is bound to be repeated at some point
Anywhere you can watch this online? I've seen it advertised but we don't have BBC3
I'm sure you can get it on the BBC website :think:
yeah its been on a few times now,

BTW its on right no on BBC3 if anyone is up!
I watched it late on BBC3 a couple of nights ago. I loved the non judegmental angle it came from...Was a really nice programme :)
if anyone has virgin media you can see it again on catch up TV. I saw it at the end of last year when I had just found out I was pregnant. Flicked it over as she was in labour and screaming. :think: I watched it again last night and thought it was very well done. She is definately a hands-on mum despite most teenage mothers who give birth and dump the baby on their parents to look after while they go out.

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