

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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really sorry i havent been online in a while, its been one of those moments in my life that i actually have had enough :-(

i went to my appointment at the infertility clinic on the 1st october, and the results are in :-(

Im not ovulating...im producing eggs tho :)

So ive to loose at least a stone then in january im getitng started on clomid.

Still not happy with the service i got from her, to the point that stu is getting ready to send a letter of complaint into them and get a 2nd opinon.

Anyway, she basically judged me from my last appointment back in feburary, she didnt weigh me NOTHING and going by looking at me told me to loose at least a stone before january, so going by looks she can tell that i havent lost any, but i can assure you that i have...total cow!

THEN, basically said to me....so when are you gonna get this weight off.....like i can just click my fingers and that it will be gone, then proceded to tell me that "she understands it will be difficult for me over the xmas period"..

so as you can tell we arent exactly happy.

Hope u are all well :) xx
I'm really sorry for you not ovulating :(

Your dr is a total bitch! It sounds to me that she has no reason to stop you having clomid except for the fact that she thinks you look fat which is bs. If she was going off guidelines, she would have weighed you. She's just going off her own personal opinion and that stinks that she's making you wait until January just for the sake of it. Who the hell does she think she is?!

Check out a website called SparkPeople.com

It's tailored for losing weight and they have teams - i bet they have a team for people suffering with infertility too.
I know she was a total bitch to you hun but at least you have some answers now - and although its a long time away you will ultimately get given the treatment in the new year and what a way to start it!

I will be going to the doctors in January if I still haven't got my BFP - my doctor has already told me I only have to wait for a year -

a strong letter and a second oppinion wouldn't hurt though - Especially if there isn't a strict rule that you have to be under a certain weight to take the Clomid - If thats the case then surely you would be able to get it sooner rather than later?

Fingers crossed for you hunni - and nice to see you back on my flying visit!!
"she understands it will be difficult for me over the xmas period"..

that is soooo patronising!! no wonder yu want to complain!!! xx

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