12 week scan went well (now with piccie)


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
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Saw my little bean (actually its got arms and legs now!!) this morning and even hubby said awwwww. It got scared at one point when i coughed and lept in the air (womb? LOL) it was so cute you could see its mouth and eye and toes, it was great! I got a cool piccie but i cant post it as at work at the moment. And my dates are absolutely spot on, which is great. LOL it measures 54mm from crown rump length which is tiny haha!

:cheer: It all seems real now....... roll on 20 week scan. :cheer:

:dance: Really pleased everything went well :dance:

We need pics now :D
Great news. :hug: Glad everything went well. Looking forward to the first pictures of your little bean. xxx
Kelly, that's great news! I cannot wait for my scan!!!!! Can't wait to see your pic too!! :hug:
Okay okay i'll post pics as soon as i can!!!!!!!! :rotfl:

On the plus side as well, the midwife told me that feeling the baby this early on is perfectly possible and i am lucky, everyone else that i have said to has thought i'm mad or lying! I said i felt dd at 14 weeks and she said that she doesnt doubt that i felt this one already as i am quite slim and the placenta is away from the front of my stomach. YAY! I'm not mad! :cheer:

On the down side, i weighed 11stone 4 which is loads!!!!!!! I think i've put on half a stone being pregnant already!
Glad your scan went well :D I can't wait to see the pic! I'm off for mine tomorrow woooo!

OMG its huge, bigger than life size!! So cute tho, i'm in love already! :rotfl:

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