My 12 week scan


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Hey peeps!!

Just to let you know I had my scan on Tues, havent been able to get on PC before then. Everything was great, baby has grown 34mm since emergency 9 week scan, the little munchkin was sleeping and the sonographer had to wake it up to do the nuchal scan measurements, bless! My result is low risk which is brilliant!

Here is a piccie, I love my bubba, so proud xxxxx

:dance: Great piccie Jaidybaby, glad everything is going ok with the little one.

Congratulations :dance:
Yeah im so pleased its clear, I drank so much water I really did think I was gonna wet myself!! :oops:
i was like that for my 12 week scan! and did she press really hard i thought i was going to explode :lol:
thats great news!
i didn't know you had to go for an emergency scan jade :( i m sorry i must have missed that
That's so cute! Hopefully time will fly and you'll have your 20 week scan soon. Are you going to find out the sex? what are you hoping for?
Awww that pic is so cute!
Glad everything went ok! :D
Awwww that is brilliant babe!!!!

I am so glad everything went well!!! :dance:
Hey you!!
You were missed!! Glad all is well, what a beautiful little one you have there!!
Glad all was good with nucral screen, got mine a week today. Looking forward to seing bean again!!

Not long till your 20 week scan now either!!

Made up for you hun xx
oh jaidybaby that pic is so clear and gorgeous!!

Well done you, so happy it went well. :clap:
Yeah!!! Your baby is soooooo cute!! So pleased everything went well, another picture for the album!!

Love Lyns xx

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