All hospitals must be different...
When I called my hospital to self-refer myself, she said I'll send you a letter out with a date and time for your booking appointment and a letter out with a date and time for your 12 week scan. Within 3 days I had received both. Not sure why my hospital do it that way as it seems most other hospitals just send a letter out for your booking appointment and then after you've had that they send you a letter out for your 12 week scan.
I guess with my hospital we was quite lucky and did not have to wait around. We've booked a private scan for when I'm 17 weeks and 3 days to find out the gender. We're going with BabyBond who we went with last time for our early scan, they're really good. Then when we find out the gender from that appointment we'll get the gender confirmed at the normal 20 week scan at the hospital.
Hope you get your letter through real soon xx
Ive had no dealings with the hospital, only the Midwife at my Doctors. It's weird how all regions are different hey! What date is your 12 week scan Marie? x
The date they initially gave me was 26th of June, but when I went for my early scan, the sonographer put me behind 5 days, which meant that if I went for the scan on the 26th, I'll only be 11 weeks and 3 days. So yesterday I called the antenatal department and changed the appointment for the 5th of July when I will be 12 weeks and 5 days! Xx