12 days to go !!


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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Can't believe it, am totally ready.

Nursery - done
Moses basket made and in bedroom - done
Equipment - done
Clothes all bought or given - done

Just waiting for one thing now, it's wierd to have all the stuff but not the reason for getting it all in!

Am actually feeling really good - makes a change as I have felt crap during this pregnancy!

Anyway thought I would share that. Hope you August due girlies are doing well.

Hey minikins, glad you are all prepared! im the same everything is done just waiting for the big arrival now!! well i still have three weeks to go yet and although the weeks really have flown by, it is starting to drag a bit now!! i just cant wait to get it all over and done with and finally meet my little boy!

Not too happy that the heat has returned either!! its been quite hot here (cornwall) these past few days and i cant cope with it!!! lol

Best of luck minikins, not long to go now! do you know the sex by the way?

How are you other August ladies doing?!! The end is in sight!! lol

Good luck all

steph and bump x
So exciting!
Good luck! Thinking of you! Keep us posted!
Hi everyone

Well 3 days to go till my due date and cant wait now.

Like you, im all ready and just cant wait to push the pram around and show off our new bundle of joy!

Im anxious for things to get started now, but my husband keeps informing me that as its my first, im likely to go over my due date, and most probably been induced!................. he's such joy lol!!!!!

I considered taking castor oil, but after reading up on it, dont think il bother as i think the risks outweighs the plus's. What does everyone think ????

Sam & Bump

Sex and a curry - worked everytime within 24hrs for my mum (3 kids) and MIL (2 kids).

Give it a go - even if you don't like curry it's gotta be worth it? xx
Don't know the sex, so it will be a right suprise.

Curry works on the premise that the spices and onions will clear out your bowels etc, so on that score a nice hot mexican meal could also do the trick.

My problems is, with my dad being Indian I have been brought up on curries so am immune to their affects - ARSE !

And my hubby - bless him, is a bit scared to have sex now as he does not want to damage anything (he knows he is not that big ;) ) and it's also hard to get me in the right positon as I am so uncomfortable, so it's not really a turn on for either of us.

I am getting the odd twinge at the moment so maybe things are getting ready!!

Will keep you posted as and when I can!

Ive been trying to get my hubby to have sex, but he's got it into his head that he might 'touch' its head.............he wishes lol

He see;s me at the moment as his 'baby carrying machine' and flately refuses to come near me in a sexual way..........arrrggghhh. I too feel that at this moment in time, sex will be just that, a means to an end but im soooo uncomfortable.

My moan over with today

Speak to you all tomorrow

Sam & Bump

only 3days to go and im getting really impatient with her! argh! :evil: wish she would hurry up.

unfortunatley im on my own so sez is out of the question and i dont like strong currys the hottest i can seem to eat is a korma and that kind of makes me go :oops: so it obviously does jack crap!

any one got any other suggestions besides raspberry tea, lots of walking or currys?

soconfused - that's the idea of the curry mate - gets everything out of your bowels before the labour starts.
I'm gonna eat one a day in the last couple of days to make sure everything is out :lol: dont wanna poo in labour - I know my OH will just laugh at me!! :roll: :oops: :lol:

As your on your own soconfused - really REALLY don't know if this is the most stupid suggestion in the whole world, but as orgasm'ing makes your uterus contract during pregnancy - maybe it could kick start labour like sex does (but without sperm)??? :? probably one of the most impossible things that could happen right now due to the size and awkwardness but it was just a thought.

Really sorry if I've made myself seem like the most stupid female on the planet :oops:
sambump - you really made me giggle with your comment! Thanks for cheering me up :lol:
I am such an impatient person I have three weeks still to go and already am hoping it will come early.
Good luck everyone, we're gonna have to really make an effort to update the boards once babies have arrived cos I wanna know about all of u and your lil bubbas xxx
hi overthemoon, im hoping my little one will come early too!! the weeks are staring to drag now! ive started drinking raspberry leaf tea but think i better start on the curries etc soon!!!

there seems to be lots due in August, how exciting!!!!

good luck everyone!!

steph and bump x
Morning ladies

Well today is my due date and as of yet, no signs of my little on attempting to come out :(

We tried the sex thing yesterday...with no luck. ive been drinking raspberry leaf tea for the last week or so, and tonight were off for a hot curry so im hoping this will do the trick!

Hope you are all ok

Sam & Bump

Good luck sambump, hope little one makes an appearance soon!

love steph and bump x

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