Where are you at??

HI Baby&i

Can I ask where you got your travel system from and was it expensive?

I do like the 3 wheelers but can't decide yet!

We have nearly everything but I think excitement is the main reason we have been so enthusiastic!

We have:
Cot (converts to bed) + sprung mattress
Chest of drawers/changing table
Bouncy chair
Baby gym
Bath set
Changing mat + nappies/wipes etc

All we need are clothes and a moses basket!

And at the weekend, we bought this:
http://www.pramworld.co.uk/product/3973 ... ygen_Black

Yay! :dance:
i am glad i am not the only one nearly ready then, makes me feel better :D

we are stocking up on nappies, wipes, and baby smellies now every week we go shopping, you can never have to many nappies lol :D
I haven't started buying anything yet (am 25 weeks tomorrow). OH thinks we shouldn't buy anything until 4 weeks before due date as he is heading down to see his sister who has heaps of baby stuff that she wants to give us. Only thing I'm worrying about is what we will still need to get after that as it is not allowing much time. I think men sometimes just don't understand the preparation needed for the arrival of babies :roll:
Snooky said:
HI Baby&i

Can I ask where you got your travel system from and was it expensive?

I do like the 3 wheelers but can't decide yet!


:wave: hun, i got it from Sears (in Canada) on sale for $400 reduced from $465 (about 230 pound so not too much), but i dont think anywhere in England sells that make of travel system.. you could try Ebay? i think its called Evolution by safety first xx
I've still got most of what I need from Austin but he's still in the cot at the mo so we'll be buying a junior bed in the next month or so and moving him into that so that he's out of the cot in good time & doesn't associate the move with the new baby. That's the biggest 'job' to do.

Clothes-wise I need to get a snowsuit (never needed one with Austin) and a Christmas outfit for either sex (just in case s/he makes a late appearance on Christmas Eve / Morning!). If it's a girl we've got a load of white babygros and I know from experience we'll get enough newborn clothes as presents in the first few days to last until we can get to the shops.

I've started buying nappies already, I've got a couple of packs of size 1s and am now stocking up on the size 2s (just buying a pack everytime we go shopping) just in case.

I need to buy a sling and the pram seat for Austin to go on top of the pram. I think I'll probably need a double buggy too at some point but MIL has kindly offered to buy that so we'll wait & see what's best when baby is ready to come out of the pram. It's really hard to plan because I don't know how Austin will be in 6/7 months time.

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