Not long to go !


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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24 weeks tomorrow and then only 3 weeks until im in 3rd tri :shock:
I can't believe how quick its all starting to go.

Me and OH have so much to do to with our room before the midwife comes for a routine check at 36 weeks as im having a home birth ( dont think we are gonna get it all done in time :doh: and I havnt bought a thing yet for Roxanne :lol: been given lots of baby clothes tho and nipple pads ha!

I dont know just seems like I have forever but really I havnt :? if you get what I mean?
i know to say 16 weeks till my due date, is a long time, but it really isnt...

i need to start thinking about gettin organised im only 3 weeks behind you :shock:
the 2nd trimester seems to be going quicker already, the first one did drag a bit.
Second Tri is flying by....Got one more MW appt at 28 weeks then gotta see the MW every two weeks, thats when the countdown will really begin
Not got anything yet I lent all Luke stuf to a friend and cant get them back
found a pram and moses basket now just got to get OH to part with some cash oh and I have a little all in one suit what Luke got and thats it.
Going to Asda today to get stuff for hospital bag.
Luke wanted his dad to take him to the shop after its born to get a outfitt to come home it, but im worried that with it being so close to xmas that if im a week late then the shops wont be open so we have to get it a unisex one now insted
Ohh it wont be long until we are holding are little ones ladies :cheer: :D
Started nursery today, so excited I have butterflies in my tummy!! Cant believe how fast the 2nd tri is going, I can remem :cheer: ber us all coming from 1st tri, and not long now till we will be on a countdown of days!!
yup...... 4 weeks and im in 3rd tri :shock: having a baby!!!! :shock:
Yes its only four weeks for me now then im on to the final stretch!
:shock: Scary!

Next thing i know my LO will be turning 16 and i'll be wondering where all the time has gone!
God, just thought when LO is 16, i'll be near enough hitting 40 :shock: :cry:
and well be grannies in denial :rotfl:

ill be 40 lo will be 19.. i cud be a granny then :rotfl:

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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