111 idiots


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2014
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I phoned 111 just now because I'm going through a miscarriage and the pain is excruciating. I've been writhing in pain and am finding it hard to leave my bed. The pain is constant but generally it's just very uncomfortable but then every few minutes it suddenly gets really bad for a few minutes, almost feels like a contraction (not that I know what they really feels like). Is this normal? The 111 man on the phone was crap and said that if I'm in that much pain he'd need to send an ambulance but he said "to be honest with you though, if you're talking to me like you are now then I don't think you're in as much pain as you claim". Wtf? How insensitive do you get? He was completely insensitive the whole call and an idiot and when he said that, I just hung up. He's phoned back but I refuse to speak to him. SHould I go to A&E or ride it out? I know I'm bad with pain in general but I never take painkillers for anything and paracetamol isn't doing anything for me.
Hi Laura,
So sorry to hear this+what an insensitive person!!
It sounds like your in alot of pain at the moment, I'd have it checked out, you'll be in the best possible hands.

So sorry for what you're going through xx hugs xx
Oh sorry to hear ur going through that. What's a prick! Get he's name asap and complain, insensitive Fuck.
And take urself off to a and e definitely. There's no harm even if the pain is "normal" in this situation.

I took my friend to a and e for a query miscarriage before and they where brilliant, did aload of tests and hooked her up to a pain relief drip and noone said anything nasty like that guy in the phone.

What a disgusting way to deal with somebody going through such a traumatic experience. I would complain about him. He shouldn't be doing that job if he can't show any compassion.
I do think you should go and get checked out if you are in lots of pain. I have had 3 miscarriages, 2 natural and I didn't have unbearable physical pain, just like a bad period etc.
I hope it eases for you soon and sorry you are going through this xx
Sorry for w hat your going through...

The general rule is your ok as long as long as your not bledding through more than two pads an hour... I had mc on 21st feb at 8w+5 i had about 3 hours of really bad pain, was on all fours and contraction like pain...had ibropohen and patacemtol that got me through. If in doubt go to a &e but generally i felt more comfortable at home.

Take care hun...xxxx(((hugs)))
Sorry to hear you're going through this and having to deal with a twat like that! When I rang they were really good, must be pot luck who you get. You could ring back and hope for someone different. When I rang during my MC the guy got me an out of hours doctor who then sent me to hospital. I think if it were me I'd try and see a doc etc, they'll be able to check you out also to make sure you're ok internally. But as apple crumble says you might feel more comfortable at home. But deffo ring back 111. Sending hugs xxx
Poor girl!! What an arsehole.

I've had four miscarriages and they were painful but weren't like that. You may have some retained material struggling to get past your cervix.

I'm sure it'll be fine but go to a&e where they can check you put and at least help you with the pain - you may need something stronger. I went to a&e with two of my miscarriages and they were really sympathetic. After all, a miscarriage is a pretty big trauma.

111 have a terrible reputation and I wouldn't bother with them again.

Hope you feel better soon xxxxx
I've just got back form A&E and unfortunately I had another insensitive wanker, even worse this time. I feel like i've totally wasted my day. I sat waiting for ages and eventually saw a cow of a nurse who said they couldn't do anything but she'd have urine and blood tests done so I waited for ages to see someone else to do the tests and he was a fucking arse hole. He was like "well you know bleeding is normal and what makes you think it's a miscarriage" err the fact that bright red blood and huge clots are gushing out of me and I'm in sever pain? I was really polite and calm with him but he was so insensitive and then he decided to kick my OH out the room (OH was sitting there next to me in silence so no reason to ask him to leave at all) and then he went to take my blood and I looked away from the needle and started crying a bit and he shouted "I didn't know you'd be so hysterical about something as simple as taking blood" and rolled his eyes at me. I cannot understand why he was so horrible. I was being really cooperative and calm, not difficult or demanding whatsoever and there was no reason for him to treat me like that. I actually felt really unsafe around him because he was being quite rough with me and so unpleasant and I am obviously emotional with going through a miscarriage and so when he shouted at me I walked out and refused to go back so now I'm back at home in bed. Awful awful experience and I wish I'd never gone in.
Oh dear Laura, sorry to hear you've having to deal with such twats. Has the pain died down now? When I had my last loss, I woke up in the early hours with intense cramping type pains. I stayed at home, took feminax and managed to get through it. The really bad pain lasted a few hours whilst I passed everything. I managed to sleep on and off between toilet trips as I was quite drugged up.. It was a horrific experience but I remember being so relieved when the pains had died down and the worst was over. I'd found out I was having a MMC a couple of days earlier at a scan at the epu for spotting so slightly different but I def felt better at home.

See how you go but if the bleeding isn't too heavy and the pain is bearable, stay in bed hun. Call epu in the morning just to make sure it's all over xxxxx
Oh god so sorry to hear what the hospital were like. I had a few insensitive nurses but they sound awful.
I hope you the pain starts to ease off soon. Take care of yourself xxx
pain has pretty much gone now but bleeding still heavy, i'm just glad i'm not in pain anymore though because it was the worst thing i've ever felt. Still shocked about the man in A&E but ok otherwise. My poor OH had a bit of a breakdown when we got in from hospital and it was heartbreaking because I've never seen him cry before and he said he just couldn't believe that one day we were excited about having a baby and the next we don't have one any more and no one is really helping or giving us proper answers and he's worried about me getting an infection. I know I sound very self pitying and doom and gloom, i'm ok really it's just obviously a shitty time for anyone x
Oh so sorry, how awful when your already going through something horrific... :-( xxx
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. When you have your strength back, I would complain to someone at that hospital for the way you were treated. There is absolutely no reason for the people who are supposed to be caring for you to be so insensitive about what you've been going through.
so sorry to hear what you went through. Discusting the way in which you were treated and hopefully when you feel up to it write a letter of complaint. I have had 2 mc and although not to painful the experience was very scary and you are not sure what to expect and the emotional trauma is horrific. Please continue to look forward and realise that sometimes for whatever reason it wasn't ment to be. After my mc I started to think id never fall pregnant again and never have another child ( I have a 8 year old) but as I write this my beautiful 2 month old is fast asleep in his bed proving that miracles do happen. Good luck to you and support each other x x x x
All your feelings are natural, you don't sound self pitying. I'd definitely go and see at least your gp tomorrow for advice and for them to check you out. I also found that we were kind of just sent off without any advice or anything, it's awful really but you find a way to deal with it. Xx

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