Hi im wondering if anyone could give me some advice I'm currently 11days late on my period
my last period was 6th june till 9th june then i had spotting which ive not really had before on the 21st,22nd,23rd june my next period was due 16th june but has not come i havent missed a period for the last year and ive never been this late before so im wondering if im pregnant?
Ive taken about 4 pregancy tests now on the 3rd 4th 7th n 10th day late and all are negative.
I had a few headaches the week before i was due on and i have had cramping but no bleeding at all,ive also been feeling a little sick at times. has anyone else been in the same situation i am and had negative readings but have been pregnant? I am on the pill but i took a couple late this month one i missed one totally and took the next morning and i havent been this late before so im wondering if maybe i am pregnant but the hcg is to low to show on the test help anyone please??x
my last period was 6th june till 9th june then i had spotting which ive not really had before on the 21st,22nd,23rd june my next period was due 16th june but has not come i havent missed a period for the last year and ive never been this late before so im wondering if im pregnant?
Ive taken about 4 pregancy tests now on the 3rd 4th 7th n 10th day late and all are negative.
I had a few headaches the week before i was due on and i have had cramping but no bleeding at all,ive also been feeling a little sick at times. has anyone else been in the same situation i am and had negative readings but have been pregnant? I am on the pill but i took a couple late this month one i missed one totally and took the next morning and i havent been this late before so im wondering if maybe i am pregnant but the hcg is to low to show on the test help anyone please??x