Late period?


New Member
Jul 6, 2012
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We are ttc, and recently just got married. My last period was May 25, and I missed my period in June. I started bleeding on July 3, and I bled for 2 days. It was not heavy. I had pregnancy symptoms before I started bleeding. I was very tired, swollen/tender breasts, food cravings, etc. Today, I have just spotted here and there, and that is it. Did I just have a late period or could I be pregnant? I have taken tests, and they were negative.
Hi, have you recently came off birth control?x

I have literally to the very day been experiencing the same as you... my last period was 25th May had light spotting (more brown than red) on July 3rd and 4th then yesterday today I have had what I though was my period but today its become brown again and almost stopped, like dead blood... I dont get it at all.. was your 2 day bleed a normal bleed? have you now stopped bleeding altogether? Before this bleed started I felt dizzy, had sore and sensistive breasts headaches etc i really thought i was pregnant because AF hadnt started and it was like CD40, my longest ever cycle, I had been expecting it to start for about a week!

Let me know if you do get any answers because i'm well confused lol..

I feel the exact same way! The bleeding didnt last long, and it started off brown mostly all the 1st day. I had so many pregnancy symptoms, too! I am confused ha! Today, I am just spotting some, but that is it. I had headaches for a few weeks, and I hardly ever get them.
It is weird when you come off the pill, as you have to get used to hormones peaking and falling all over the place, and that's not even when you are up the duff!!! On the pill there is a steady state all the time, which I love. I'm still not used to it, after nearly 2 years of ttc and 2 pregnancies (and going back on the pill for a bit in the middle), and really have no idea what my body is up to most of the time. I just pee on sticks from time to time to try and make some sense of it!!
Yeah that is confusing! Our bodies play tricks on us!
It's very reassuring to know other people are expericing similar things... because they say a normal cycle is around 21-35days I started to think maybe I'm really abnormal because this cycle was 40days, but maybe my body is still adjusting from my pill still - the cycle just gone was only my 4th cycle since coming off my pill so maybe my body is just getting used to it still (came off cerezette in January).. so far my cycles have gone like this 28days, 28days, 34days, 41days... maybe I just need to keep monitoring them closely over the next few months and just check they dont keep getting longer and longer.

We will have to keep in touch seen as we have just experienced a really similar cycle.. xx
Hi again cjmason, just out of interest what day are you classing today as? I'm saying CD3 but I dont have a clue because I only had probably half a day normal AF bleed + the other days were the brown dead blood we talked about. So I've classed that half day of normal AF as CD1. I dont feel like i've even had a period, I dont know what to call it?! Really hope it doesnt mess up this cycle :s I don't know what to expect anymore! x
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