10dpo symptoms? Cp? Pregnant??

Thas so fustrating that you have to wait until Monday! At least 376 sounds like a good number for now.
Thank you everyone!

Just letting you know. ive got the results of the blood test back. My hcg levels are 376. so I definitely was or am pregnant. They cant tell me anymore until I have another blood test (tomorrow) but I have to wait until Monday for the results :( they're not open weekends! Frustrating! If they are doubling they will do a scan when I reach 2000 if not then it's a miscarriage xx
Monday!!!! Bless you.

Well as Bunny said 376 sounds a good number at the moment. I really hope its good news on Monday.

Do you still have symptoms?
Good luck for Monday hun, I'll keep everything crossed it's good news xx
Thank you everyone. Yes I've still got symptoms. But I suppose I will have if the hcg is still in my system. I'm already wishing the weekend away! Lol xx
Just letting you know they are going to pass my blood results to another department so I can get them tomorrow after 2 :) it's better then Monday. Il let you all know xx
Good luck, big hugs and fingers crossed for you! Xxx
Good luck to you too.. Just noticed its your first month of TTC. Fingers crossed it happens soon for you. Same to all the other ladies who have offered support :) im really hoping this is my time.. I will let you know tomorrow what my hcg levels are. Fingers crossed they have doubled! If not then at least I know what's happening and I can get on with TTC! Xxx
Just letting you know they are going to pass my blood results to another department so I can get them tomorrow after 2 :) it's better then Monday. Il let you all know xx

So glad they saw the sense in that!
So anxious to hear your results sid, am really hoping they have increased. How are you feeling ?
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Tbh I'm feeling quite positive at the minute. I still feel pregnant, I'm crying over nothing.. Like a pampers advert lol but.. I will be gutted if they haven't increased. Xx
Positive positive positive!
The end of this month seems better fir BFP than beginning.
Feels like it will never happen to me...
It will happen hun. With my first we weren't trying at all. It was our first time have u protect sex. And it happened. I was feeling hopeful for trying with our second. I actually thought I would get pregnant first time again. I didn't and it's several months on now. Obviously I'm pregnant now but I don't know what the outcome will be :/ you can't judge these things hun it will happen when it's meant to. Try to relax (I know it's hard lol) I'm sure all you ladies will be pregnant soon :) and if it doesn't work for me this time then I'm staying hopeful I will be pregnant again soon xxxx
Hey. Just phoned the hospital. My hcg levels are at 852. So doing what they should be. Got to go back again tomorrow for another blood test. Been having lower back and abdominal cramps today. Some right sided pain. They said this is normal but to keep an eye on it. Looking good for now :) another long wait until Monday now to find out if they are still going up. Fingers crossed! Xx
Yeh! So happy to hear that!

Good to keep an eye on any pains but it could be normal. I've had a really sore lower back early in all my pregnancies. I get mild period like cramps too. In my 1st pregnancy I had painful cramps in my abdomen which worried me until I realised it was just my digestion getting used to the pregnancy hormones.
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It was all going so positive! About 10 minutes after finding out I've had some spotting :( Phones them back up. If I get heavy bleeding I have to go in. So upset now :( xxx
Oh, no! Well I'd say that seeing as things seem ok after the last time that is a good sign. Maybe your bleeding is coming from an irritated cervix or something. Sorry your emotions are still having to ride the roller-coaster though. Is the spotting red or brown?
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I know. That's what I'm hoping. It started off pink. Then went brown. And now it's more of a watery discharge. It's weird! Lol hoping everything's fine. It's literally nothing now. Still got pains though xx
Hey slb, hiw are you feeling ? Hope everything has stopped.bpleases your levels are going up!
I'm not great today, weird things going on with me. Will you read my post and let me know what you think please ?
Hey. I've replied. Sorry I can't be of any more help! Good luck though. I'm still spotting and having pains. It's not exactly cramps. It's kind of hard to explain. I've never felt anything like it before. I feel bloated. Have a dull ache but if I move to fast I get sharp pains. Also TMI but if I tense my bum lol I get shooting pains up and across my abdoman. It also hurts when I try to go to the toilet. Like it hurts my stomach rather then a uti pain. Hope this makes sense lol xx

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