1 year olds...what do i need to change??


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2007
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jack is comin up to one soon and growing up so quickly! hes really starting to become a little boy rather than a baby and is making me think of what i need to change....
firstly when do they stop having bottles? hes dropped his afternoon sleep so isnt really fussed about the milk at 2pm so can i just drop it? and when shud i use beakers for morning and bedtime? he can use beakers really well so should i start gettin him used to milk in a beaker?
as u might no im thinking of weaning him off his dummy but having second thoughts as my mum seems to think im cruel cos hes to young to understand why he cant have it anymore, and also hes teething really badly at the mo!
i dont wanna rush him in to growing up as he still a baby but dont wanna hold him back either...any advice? what things changed for ur LO around this age?
Keeley on had 2 bottles a day now one when she wakes up and one when she goes to bed 9oz's each time.

She still has 2 naps a day an hour in the mornin and 2 in the afternoon... i think cos she's always on the move she tires herself out more.

She also has a dummy but i'm not gonna get rid of it until she can understand and do what supernanny does and tell her the dummies are going to the babies and then give her some small presents.

With the beaker i have found it very hard to find one Keeley wil drink from :? but if Jack is really good at them i would change him to having he's milk in them :)
thanks! will give the beakers a go tomorrow. i think i might keep the dummies till hes older, thats sounds like a really good idea about the presents and stuff! i am only keeping it for sleep now and its workin quite well..how much food does keeley eat? jacks routine is like this..
8:00 7oz milk
9:00 toast and fruit for breakfast
10:30 snack yogurt or fruit
11:00 sleep
1:00 when he wakes he has lunch, usually sandwhichs cheese sticks, carrot sticks raisens ect
3:00 snack, biscuit, mini chedders or somthin like that
4:30 tea, something cooked like cottage pie or pasta bake and yog or fruit custard pot
anytime between 6 and 7 he will go to bed after 7oz of milk

does this sound ok? dunno whay im worrying about this stuff all of a sudden cos ive been goin with the flow for ages! just wanna check im doin it right!
Jake's average day is

6-7am - 8oz bottle and breakfast

8-9am - 1-2 hour nap

12pm - Lunch

2pm - 1 hour nap

3-4pm - 7oz bottle

5-6pm - Tea

7-8pm - Bed time

I will probably try giving Jake his milk in a beaker when he is one but I probably won't try weaning him off his dummy completely until he is about two.
Sounds right to me :D
Keeley's routine is

6-7am 9oz bottle

8-9 Breakfast

9-10 nap

12 Lunch

1-3 nap

5 Dinner
6-7 bed

And she has little snacks during the day :)

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