1 Positive - 2 Negative


May 1, 2012
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Hi there,

My wife and I have been trying for our first baby over the last month or so. Now, I can't claim to know all the details of her period etc etc but i do know last week she tried a cheapo pregnancy test that showed as negative.

Today she came home from work with the Predictor Home Pregnancy Test and the results showed this.....



Now, to me it looks pretty positive (to me) but in my wife's excitement she went to Asda and picked up a Clearblue test. Which she tried hurridly and it shows Not Pregnant.

Are false positive's a common thing? :)
i got a faulse positive with a clear blue last week

dont trust them lol

maybe go to the gp? but that looks like a bfp to me congratulations x
A positives a positive-false negatives are a lot more common. Digi tests aren't as sensitive as 'line' tests. Give it a few days and you should see a 'pregnant 1-2' on a digi xx
Was it a clear blue digital? X
i got a faulse positive with a clear blue last week

dont trust them lol

maybe go to the gp? but that looks like a bfp to me congratulations x

Thanks peach. We know it's early days but we still have our fingers crossed
It looks like a good positive...i recommend previous advice of waiting a couple days and testing again.x
Good luck with the next test! x
That one definitely looks positive! Good luck when you test again, hopefully eventually the digi will work or you :)
I didn't think you could get false positives??

I hope the next test shows a lovely BFP for you both :lol:
Wee Update

The morning after that positive result my wife tried the second Predictor test but if suffered from an evap line (white/grey).

So today she tried a First Response test and it showed as Negative. I told her to wait another week but noooooooo lol :)

Still waiting to get an appointment with the GP but she is complaining of sore boobs (especially her nipples) and is more tired than usual.

We shall see :)
any update as im having the same, as your wife southsider, ppl are telling me that predictor tests are rubbish and every one is wrong
false negatives are more common that false positives, but maybe your wife she go to the doc for a blood test just to make sure good luck :)
This thread is from May! I don't think we're going to get any updates!
I used 8 tests in total lol...the first was a CB Digi and it came up negative (I had no symptoms except being 5 days late)...2 cheapy asda tests both came up with weak lines, followed by 2 cheapy tesco tests, both again with weak lines...1 more CB Digi - again negative...then waited 7 days (12 days late in total)...did 2 more CB Digi's and both came up 1 - 2 weeks! The digitial indicators definitely appear to take longer to predict a positive outcome...

Good luck though - keep us informed!! X

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