0400 start

rainbow dancer

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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I am not complaining as Lucy goes to bed at 1930hrs after bath and bottle. But she has now decided that it is wide awake time at 0400!!. she has a bottle and i try and get her back to sleep but she is having none of it!!. ive tried putting her in the cot and putting her projector onbut she just sits and talks to it!!. ive also tried taking her into bed with me but she sits and talks away to me or pulls my face hair or whatever else is in the way!!. ive admitted defeat and just get up after trying for an hour. she has done this for about last 2 weeks. she isnt a big napper in the day either - she maybe has 1 and half hours if lucky!! sure she is run on duracell!!. what im wondering is is this normal? or will she grow out of it? sorry for long post xxx
Tegan went through a phase of getting up at 5am it only lasted about 3 weeks now she's up between 6.30 and 7.30. hope she sleeps past 4am for you soon you must b exhausted! xx
amelia went through this as well i have spent many mornings standing at her door and going into put her dummy back in when she started crying again or getting in and out of bed but eventually she went longer and longer x
thanks ladies. i am pretty tired! but at least i get some sleep as i remember what it was like when she was newborn!!. ive tried dummy's but she hates them!! guess ill just have to see if she grows out of it!! xxx
my lo same but goes down at 9 up at 3-4 and thats it am hopin in the next month he will get better :-/

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