❄February due dates ❄

Cramps get worse each pregnancy I’ve found xx
Thanks for that! It’s such a worry... I had SPD from 13 weeks in my last pregnancy so am hoping that doesn’t return this time round
Thanks for that! It’s such a worry... I had SPD from 13 weeks in my last pregnancy so am hoping that doesn’t return this time round
I did too lol I’m worrying over that. Horrid isn’t it xx
I did too lol I’m worrying over that. Horrid isn’t it xx
Awful!! My last midwife was vile (she’s since retired thankfully!!) so didn’t get a lot of support! I’m going to speak to a chiropractor before it gets bad this time and see if I can try and prevent it if at all possible... xx
My symptoms seem to have now lessened :(. Which always makes me worry :(

I am taking progesterone too.. is anyone else taking progesterone and is it normal for symptoms to just go away or can that be normal too ?
My symptoms seem to have now lessened :(. Which always makes me worry :(

I am taking progesterone too.. is anyone else taking progesterone and is it normal for symptoms to just go away or can that be normal too ?
Just did a pregnancy test … the test line was really strong and barely any control line … so I guess HCG still rising
My symptoms seem to have now lessened :(. Which always makes me worry :(

I am taking progesterone too.. is anyone else taking progesterone and is it normal for symptoms to just go away or can that be normal too ?
Im taking it, I Had three days last week of nothing.... then BOOM they have come back full force. so much more than with my son.
Im taking it, I Had three days last week of nothing.... then BOOM they have come back full force. so much more than with my son.
My last pregnancy I had hyperemisis really bad was in hospital most of my pregnancy …. I don’t think I got MS until about 7 weeks …

i don’t know if it’s the progesterone causing the little symptoms I have … or masking anything

they gave me a higher dose this time around … it knocks me out !

So worried now
All my cramping has gone
I started taking aspirin - by mistake I got confused as I thought my last pregnancy was taken from BFP but it was much later - after my midwife booking …

. I think I’ve taken the aspirin for a total of 10 days … but now stopped as I was worried about SCH - which I had in another pregnancy which ended in MC :( … so I stopped taking it .. hope that hasn’t made it worse

the only thing I feel is fuller breasts that’s it

don’t feel anything … no cramps no pulling no round ligament pain - no more sickness

I feel so worried and sad as I’ve been here before :(
I was told to take it from conception every time I got pregnant..how many weeks are you?
I keep having 3-4 days of nothing then my symptoms come back with full force xx
I was told to take it from conception every time I got pregnant..how many weeks are you?
I keep having 3-4 days of nothing then my symptoms come back with full force xx

i took it my last pregnancy because of recurrent miscarriage and have been told to take it every pregnancy .. so as soon as I get a BFP. I think I started taking it at about 4+2

I am now 6+2

i am going to epu on Monday for another scan so will know more then I guess :/

i think when you have had miscarriages you will always worry so much :(
Hi all I’m new, I’m Danielle 31 due 2nd baby 22nd February if I’ve worked it out right.
Hi, my baby due 12 Feb~ My morning sickness is getting much worse these past few days, usually vomit a few times a day, and I've been lying on bed all day exhausted. Congratulations to all others too, hope your baby grows well and healthy
My morning sickness has gone :(

not looking good for me

this forum has become so quiet
Hey all so sorry I've been really quiet, I went away for a bit, but also I've been trying not to think about things too much.
How is everyone?
Had a scan last week at 8+4
Baby was looking great..
Got another scan tomorrow, then my 12 week scan is on the 21st. X
I have my blood tests tomorrow and then scan is booked for 3rd August...
soooo damned tired this time round!!
Hey all, had my scan the other day, All looks good but I'm deffo 6 days behind where my LMP is, so they have moved my 12 week scan to the 26th, 10 more days to wait, We told everyone on Tuesday though, because I cba to hide it anymore haha z
Hi everyone. My due date is in March but there isn't a thread... So can I jump in here with you guys. My babies are early so could potentially be a Feb baby anyway :) xx

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