£500 grant money

laura dec 1988

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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Hey girls, :lol:

Im gunna be a single mum and more than anything im tryin to organise my finances just so im prepared and can work things out.

My friend recently had a beautiful baby girl and also has an 8 year old her partner recently lost his job and She earns around £12k a year yet was declined for the £500 sure start grant from the goverment....This baffled me!!!

I wasn't as working out my finances with this based in it but in the back of my mind i kinda new it was money to fall bk on for the last little bits before i give birth??Same as the £190 i get at 25 weeks!! Due to my ex been an arse haha i am gunna be a a single mummy and i work full time

Does anyone no if i will be entitled to the grant?? :eh:

All I do know about this grant is that you seem more likely to qualify AFTER the baby is born....I think it's the way they work it out. You have up to 3 months to apply. We are going to apply after the baby is born and see if we get anywhere.
Yeah maybe thats the best way to do it :) its all dead confusing to be. I've just been havin a convo with anouther girl about benifits and its made me more confused haha xx
if you are claiming child tax credit with a higher value you can get it or a number of dif benifits byt as your friend earnt that much she wouldnt be entitled. You have to be recieving child benifit to claim it too so if this is your first then you will have to wait till your child benifit cleared then claim for it i think you only get 3 months to ask for it i can claim from 28 weeks pregnant coz were on a higher rate of child tax credits thats all i know x
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My friend got it with her first son and she on more bloody income than me.....so i think i must have to apply for my tax credits first and then in the first 3 months of havin bubba then i'll try claim for the £500...aint gunna lie it will come in handy during the first few months...although iv decided to hibernate for the first 2-4 weeks of my bubba been born dependin on how i feel :) xx
Yes apply for tax credits ( We qualified as we get the higher value ) first otherwise you won't get it or you can claim it if you're getting Income support :)
You get this grant if the child tax credit element is higher than the working tax credit element ?
It's a bit confusing !
I paid no attention to this grant as both my and OH work, however the other day a friend of mine (who is self employed, again not sure how that works) anyway she was adament i should try for it within 3 months after baby is born, even though i was trying to explain that i really wouldnt get it.

I still don't quite understand why she thinks I should go for it but hey the worse they can do is say no!
Does this get added to the value you earn for the year for tax credits and cause you more problems when you get round to april year end again?
This grant totally confuses me! I'm self employed and wont be working after having baby but my hubby earns about 25k a year. No idea wether i will be entitled to it?
Apply for it Erin, the worst that can happen is the say no , but then again maybe you will receive it ! , at the end of the day you wont be any worse off.
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I think when you apply, its based on last tax years income (april 09 to april10) but there is a section you can fill in if youre likely to be earning significantly less this tax year and they take that into consideration. Its so complicated, I dunno where to start, having a job really doesnt help!!

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