£190 health in pregnancy grant


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Has anyone applied for it? A friend of mine found it online. I tried to post a link but it wouldnt let me as Im a newbie!

Google it on the Directgov webpages
Your MW will give you the form after you turn 25 wks. Everyone is entitled to it. I applied for mine a few weeks ago :)
hey Lillie,
iv been enquiring about this too hun. When you have your 25 week midwife app she will give you the form to apply for it.But every pregnant British women gets this. I asked my midwife this morning.

How far pregnant are you?
Great, thanks.

I'm not pregnant yet (its only been 2 weeks trying though so I cant complain) but a pregnant friend brought it up - her doctor mentioned it, and then she couldnt remember a thing about it (reckons the baby is eating her brain! haha!
good luck!!
does anybody know how long it takes to be paid i sent off for mine a few weeks ago and still havent heard anything yet
I sent off bang on 25 wks and no sign yet....I was told an 8 week back log
i was just reading the posts and see the midwife gives you the forms to fill in when your 25 weeks. im not seeing my midwife till im 28 weeks. i do have a scan at the end of the month but i will only be 21 weeks so prob wont do it then.
They tend to do it at you 28 wk appointment Karen :)
I got my form at my 28 week appointment - I sent it off at the beginning of December and received it in my bank the start of January xx
apparently when you get your award letter it will be in bank within 7 days..... i got my letter 6 weeks ago and no money!! :( but when i rang they said my bank refused it for some strange reason!!! they moan when youve no money then they turn some away!!! but theyre sendin me a cheque!! :D xx
I applied when I was 25+ 3 so with Xmas etc it's been about 4 weeks :)
Mine took a while but that was in the backlog, I think that's cleared now so they're getting through them quicker :) xx
does anyone no how long the money usually takes to come threw for this??


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