Recent content by kacinkyesmummy

  1. kacinkyesmummy

    is this bleeding normal after giving birth????

    Hi all, I had connor 3 weeks ago tuesday coming. My bleeding has been very strange past few days. I had a heavy bleed for 2 days then it went really light. NOw i have started up again and its fairly heavy. However it is very thick blood and very dark red. I am passing some clots. Its not very...
  2. kacinkyesmummy

    Connor is finally here :)

    Thank you everyone. Labour with my first was 5 hours, 2nd 4 hours and connor was 1hr and 40 mins, Only about 40 mins was painful contractions. Was home birth too so very relaxing. He was 6 lb 7 oz xx xx
  3. kacinkyesmummy

    Connor is finally here :)

    Hi all, well after all the waiting and pains connor finally arrived at 1 54 am. Very fast labour. so far we are both doing very well. Was just a shock to us both on how quick things moved along. Must say though glad its all over lol. Thanks all for your support and advice on here. Know i was a...
  4. kacinkyesmummy

    Is it worth still trying to get this baby out???

    Im 39 weeks, 2 cm dialated been having pains on and off for 2 weeks. So far i have done non stop walking, the non stop sex lol. Couldnt manage the raspberry leaf tea lol. I had a clary sage oil bath yesterday but wasnt too sure if i done it right. Went midwife today and she said its normal to...
  5. kacinkyesmummy

    2cm dialted and baby 3/5ths engaged

    Hi all, Well what can i say. Im still here. Connor still in there lol. No change at all really. Its really getting me down now. Been getting pains all day still on and off but they just not progressing. Just want to cry now to be honest. Dunno what else i can do. My ankles are very swollen...
  6. kacinkyesmummy

    2cm dialted and baby 3/5ths engaged

    Hi all, Just an update. I had midwife out last night. I am 2cm dialted and baby is engaged and on his way. Still getting load of pains but not regular yet. So gonna keep active today and hope it speeds things up. xx
  7. kacinkyesmummy

    Due in just over a week and have a lot of pain down below???

    Im due in week and half. Been having pains on and off for couple of weeks nothing come of it really. However today i have been in a lot of pain down below. It feels very swollen and kind of like its all gonna fall out lol. It hurts to sit down when walking when i laugh,cough or sneeze i feel a...
  8. kacinkyesmummy

    Dont feel right at all, Any advice would be appreciated

    Hi hun, Felt bit better today. Been a very busy day and havent stopped all day. been midwife and she doesnt seem to think i will last another 2 weeks so lets hope eh. How are you xx
  9. kacinkyesmummy

    Dont feel right at all, Any advice would be appreciated

    7th july, but was given 28th june twice and changed twice so going more towards 28th june. x
  10. kacinkyesmummy

    Dont feel right at all, Any advice would be appreciated

    Hi all, Posted a few times lately, your prob all bored and fed up with me by now but really need some advice lol. Been having a lot of pains etc past few days. So today i went for looong walk earlier. While walking i could feel baby bearing down etc. This brought on fair bits of bk pain etc...
  11. kacinkyesmummy

    Who else is having a home birth?

    Aww u all sound really prepared lol. I havent made any plans as such. Just been old to get couple of cheap shower curtains for the bed. However as one of you said i dont really want him in my bed haha. I have had 2 very quick labours well quick ish anyway. So have been told this one should be...
  12. kacinkyesmummy

    Proper moany post sorry in advance!

    Hi hun, I know how you feel. I had a show 2 weeks before with my first- and she was 12 days late. I was the same as u. I was massive in pain all the time, Had 4 sweeps nothing lol. 2 days before i was due to be induced my midwife tried to break my waters in the surgery. (although she wasnt meant...
  13. kacinkyesmummy

    Who else is having a home birth?

    Hi all, I am hoping to have a home birth. I have my pack here ready etc. Just woundering if anyone else is also having one. If so how do u feel as it gets closer to d day? Gem x
  14. kacinkyesmummy

    Just a update to all of you that posted on my last thread...

    Thats the thing. This isnt my first its my 3rd lol. Never had these pains and not gone into labour sahortly after before so i am just hoping its him making his way. Guess only time will tell. ANd as for the rest lol with a 2 year old and 6 year old in tow i have no chance lol. x
  15. kacinkyesmummy

    Just a update to all of you that posted on my last thread...

    Im not over, im 38 weeks, but been having all the signs and pains for well over a week now keeps me up all night then stops again. I was given 2 due dates and first one was 28th june which i still think is more likely than 7th july like they have now said. so expecting him any time now. x