Dont feel right at all, Any advice would be appreciated


Active Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Hi all,
Posted a few times lately, your prob all bored and fed up with me by now but really need some advice lol.
Been having a lot of pains etc past few days. So today i went for looong walk earlier. While walking i could feel baby bearing down etc.
This brought on fair bits of bk pain etc.
Nothing i cant handle though. For past couple of hours i really dont feel myself though.
My cheeks are burning up, I feel very hot and flustered. very aggitated and sicky. Getting few tightnings but again nothing regular.
I have never felt this before.
a\nyone know what it could be?
Gem x
7th july, but was given 28th june twice and changed twice so going more towards 28th june. x
Well you are one or two weeks away from that then; perhaps your body is preparing but I cant explain really. I hope you feel better later, get a cool cloth and put on your face and make sure you are sipping lots of water. If you start to feel very ill then phone your unit and explain. Otherwise rest up and perhaps you will start off labour :hug: things always move along mych better if you are relaxed xx
No advice hun - but it has been hot today so perhaps a lie down in a cooled room and lots of fluids xxx
It might be the start of early labour! I had no tightenings with lacey just went straight into full blown labour but the night before I just didn't feel right! It's hard to explain but felt moody but not in a mood, didn't want to see people, felt abit sick! Hope this is the start of things for you and goodluck x x
How are you feeling this morning? I felt sick and a bit off it last night too, could be the weather and the heat? Like RM says a cold flannel helps, i've been having lots of baths too. Hope you're doing ok today hun and we won't get fed up of hearing from you at all, its what we are here for :hug:
Hi hun, Felt bit better today. Been a very busy day and havent stopped all day. been midwife and she doesnt seem to think i will last another 2 weeks so lets hope eh.
How are you
I was feeling like this last night, and was having well bad backache for like a week, but last night just didn't feel right, had really bad headache and just didn't feel myself, went to hospital and they checked me over said everything was fine so think it is just body getting ready for labour :)
Was feeling same this morning but making sure drinking plenty and everything and feel better part from my back still kills!
Could still be ages yet :(
How you feeling now?
I'm just a few days behind you and feel just the same. With my second I felt the same just before labour but as I always go late, and I mean like 2 weeks late, I'm not that hopeful. I think it's just our bodies telling us it won't be long. Lets just hope it's sooner rather than later xx

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