Heeeeeere's Stanley! Birth story and pics

Congratulations little minx he is absolutely adorable :hug: xxxxx
Congratulations LittleMinx and Family :lol:

Welcome baby Stanley :wave:

Can't see the pics as they're too big but I'm sure he's beautiful :D

hes very cute

Hi LittleMinx

What a little cutie pie :wave: Hi Stanley (love his name BTW)

Hope you're healing nicely

Pea x
sorry you had a tough time but i gotta say he is a cutie!! well done you i hope you are healing and feeling much better everyday xx take care and enjoy stanley xx :hug:
What a tale :shock: poor you going through all that. glad you're ok now.

Stanley is adorable :D

Congrats he is such a cutie sorry you had such a rough time
So glad to have you back, hope you're sticthes aren't playing you up to much.

Great pics, he's gorgeous!
little minx!!!! well done honey thats quite a birth story there..i'm glad i'm not still pregnant reading that as it would scare the heck outta me!!
those bearing down contractions are something else arent they? i dont think i would have coped if i had them when i wasnt fully dilated because you seriously cannot stop your body from pushing..it just does it!! i ended up roaring when i started getting those!!

congratulations Stanley is adorable..well worth the trauma eh!!

well done xxx :hug: :cheer:
Well done chick ...nice going :cheer: Hes adorable, the pics are great lol :hug:
:dance: Welcome Stanley,he is beautiful!The pic with Daddy is great!And well done you!! :dance:
Ohh I've only just seen this. Zoe he's gorgeous!! Congratulations hun xx
Sorry you had such a rough time LM, but my goodness doesn't he look like his daddy!!

Congratulations hon :hug:
Aw hunnie, sorry you had such a rough time. Stanley is gorgeous you must be so proud. The pic of Stanley with daddy is just adorable. :hug:
Hiya, Stanley is lovely. Sorry you had a rough time, I hope it doesnt put you off for future babies. Well done
he is gorge........the pic of him smiling is so beautiful!!

The birth story scared the heck out of me but TBH I think I would prefer to have gone with the C section rather than being cut from fanny to bum hol :cry: :cry: :cry:

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