You've never done that


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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So 20 mins Tyler woke me up screaming his head off which has never happened in his 11 weeks alive. I could feel his tummy was hard so OH and I tried to comfort him as much as we could (and to stop him waking up the whole block!) then i put him on his mat, changed his nappy (always seems to help) and did his tummy massage, then just sat there holding his legs up. Gradually he did sone farts and he's a lot better now feeding away. He's on infocol so I'm surprised this happened. OH and I went through my diet from this weekend and the only thing new I've had was nandos yesterday evening. Could that've caused this?

It might have, although I've been told by some midwives what you eat makes a difference and by others it doesn't. Very confusing. Or maybe it's just one of those nights iykwim. Poor little Tyler though and it must have been upsetting for you :hugs: xxxxx
I was told food that's spicy or too acidy can have an effect on your milk and then on to the baby
Hope he feels better soon x
Yeah, I've heard that too. Spicy food can affect some babies worse than others. X
Hmmmm, could he be getting 'immune' to infacol, I'm sure someone else posted about it stopping working. Xxx
Yeah maybe! Might have to invest in some gripe water. Can you do a week with one a week with another and swap them?
It could also be a one off as he's never done that before?

No idea.

Fingers crossed it was just a one off.

It was scary as Tyler is such a placid boy! It takes a lot to get him to cry I think I've heard him cry like that 4 or 5 Times since he was born!

I find that harry gets windy if I get windy so I have cut out anything that makes me windy which has made a difference!
Did you have any lettuce hun? Iceberg in particular can make them really windy! Don't know why!
Oh poor Tyler, I hope he's feeling better. It must have been hard for you if he's normally so quiet.

Chloe is quite a difficult baby who will scream at the slightest thing so completely understand how difficult it is lol. Sometimes all you can do is hug them and comfort them till they calm down.
Did you have any lettuce hun? Iceberg in particular can make them really windy! Don't know why!

I did have some but I eat it very regularly! I have been very windy too! God knows what's caused this!


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