your mum and TTC


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Spoke to mum last night....omg she makes me laugh sooo much with her advice and support..

she always asks if we're 'still trying' then says that it'll be soon...last night she stated 'well the warmer weather will be here soon so that will sort it out'! does she think i'm wanting a baby lamb?? hehe

She also stated she thought that 'i dont think 'dh is shooting blanks' pmsl...i love my mum sooo much!

She's painfully excited despite having 5 grandkids already!! We've got a really close bond...mainly as we're so similar that she just cant wait for me to have my first!
sparky said:
she always asks if we're 'still trying' then says that it'll be soon...last night she stated 'well the warmer weather will be here soon so that will sort it out'! does she think i'm wanting a baby lamb?? hehe
:rotfl: , They do say the funniest things. I've not told any of my family we're TTC, can't be bothered with the extra pressure. My Mum is one of those who always thinks she knows best and interferes alot. I cringe when I'm with her and my sister and neice are there, she interferes loads, I'd have to tell to butt out if it was me.
my Dh told his mum that we had been trying for a while and she said "whats the problem? dont you know how to do it?" :rotfl:
cant tell my mum we are TTC - she would go ape at me and possibly chuck me out! :lol:
ours know , when we first started mum started buying things to spread out the cost ! well tis now been so long she's given up :rotfl: unless she see's smething she just HAS to have lol she doesnt put pressure on us tho , and lets me cry and get my frustration when i visit ( specially if its when i got af) nice to take some pressure of dh for that !
My mother has just been for a visit and we've talked about TTC. Sometimes I want to strangle the woman because of her insensitivity--she knows how hard this is for me--yet she has this way of bringing up ALL the things I don't want to hear about! So and so is pregnant again-oh and did I tell you my boss just found out she's expecting! We're out shopping and she stops to coo over a baby in a pram..."Awww how sweet! Remember when Rosie (my dd) was that small? Gosh she's growing up so fast, we need another little one soon!" :x (YEAH I'M WORKIN ON IT!) A few nights ago things were getting to be a little too much for me and I phoned her. She said "You were enough for me honey. I always thought I'd have more, but I was happy with what god gave me. You should be too." (As if I'm not happy with my dd... :roll: ) My mom had never been in the best of health, she had rheumatic fever as a baby which weakened her heart, and when 4 mos pregnant with me, she went into heart failure. She has had 2 open heart surgeries since then, and was told she couldn't have more children. I do want more, lots more--and god if I can have them I will. Anyway--back to mom. I remember when I was trying for my dd. One looong year. Mom told me one morning that she had a dream that we were walking around Borders with a big tummy, complaining how tired I was....etc. 2 months after she had this dream I was pregnant--and that summer I was frequently lazing in the chairs at Borders, sipping a vanilla cappuccino and reading books while my mother and former husband went about the town. Now just last night mom told me she had another dream......that I was breaking the happy news to her. God I hope this dream comes true.
OMG, just re-reading my post, I made it sound like my mom and former husband were having an affair "going about town" together--I just meant I was so tired I told them to go shopping without me while I rested in Borders. :lol: Anyway--yes my mom's always been spot on with her "funny feelings"...
No one knows we are TTC except us and you ladies on here :D
we told both of our mums and they both said the same thing- 'you cant afford it- youve just got a new house' I told them they didn't understand, they have both got kids and they can't possibly understand how it feels for me...they both went quiet and none of them have mentioned it since.
god Ive made them sound horrible- they are lovely really and I know they will be fighting over it when I finally do get PG. heres hoping!
Both our parents know we are TTC and are both fully supportive & excited but dont interfere, I suppose we are pretty lucky really :)
as above, and i will try to keep it that way till 1st scan, if i can contain myself!! :D
At the weekend I was at a hen party with 2 pregnant friends - they both waited until 12 weeks before telling people - but they said that all their friends had guessed. As soon as they avoided going to something they should have been at. Or went and didn't drink - their friends even noticed that they were pretending to drink and not having much. I think I'd prefer to tell the people who might notice because then they will keep mum about it rather than have them guessing and telling loads of people that they think you are pregnant who are then watching to see too. Although I wouldn't have known these two girls well enough to guess, I guessed beforehand because I had heard from a few people that they 'bet they were'..... crazy world....

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