Your Midwife


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hey girls :wave:
Just curious really on what your midwife is like? I see three of them at the minute and their all lovely but it would be much easier if I could just see the one! And as nice as they are I do feel rushed when I go for appointments and don't always get to talk about any concerns I might have at the time.
Just wanted to be nosy and see how you all get on with your midwifes? :hug:
I have the same MW I had with Isaac and I find her OK, I've never felt I like her much or that she's been overly helpful or supportive, but thankfully I've other avenues for that and she has been much more pleasant this time around :D She's often not there and always running late too, but I don't mind that, I expect it :lol:
hmm I only have one :roll: lol but she's really chatty and really supportive for as natural as possible a delivery :D
The last time I saw my MW was at 16 weeks, it's always someone else but they have all been nice.

I always take in a list of things I need to ask, otheriwse I'm just rushed in and out and forget.
There are 3 midwifes at my practise for the first 3 appointments I saw a different one each time but they have all been nice one I particually like over the other two shes really easy to talk to, hope I get her next time I go!
Mine is a nightmare - I see the same one every week unfortunately lol! She forgets everything about me and often asks me the SAME questions all the time! There can't be that many women in there will my iron history and psoriasis :roll:

Anyway, she's a bit scatty and gets a lot of things wrong. I was speaking with a neighbour who has her (she'd due on Monday) and the MW told her the head was fully engaged - but when she went to the consultant about booking a sweep, he said the head isn't engaged at all and he can't do a sweep without it!!
Im like you and i see a different one everytime i go - out of about 4. and always feel like im a bit rushed as well. Also i was meant to be getting 2-weekly check ups to make sure my blood pressure stays okay (coz it went up in my last pregnancy). but now they dont seem bothered again becoz it hasnt so far. (even tho it didnt until 36 weeks with DS :roll: )
Im shared care with the hospital which means I get the community midwife, consultant and a drop in pregnancy day care if I have any problems.

My community midwife is lovely remembers stuff about us and generally friendly, when I have problems though she asks me what I think is wrong and it almost seems like she doesnt have a clue:wall: TBH though I think this is what they call being patient led. There is a bitch of a MW that we have to see if ours is not around, she had a right go at DH stating that we had made a complaint about her when we had DS 8 years ago!! We cant remember the complaint but needless to say she has another one against her now :evil:

The consultant is lovely, I have had 2 so far the junior and the top man, I now need to see the top man as my blackouts are way out of control and I have a big baby. Not too happy aboout the fact he said it was genetically impossible for me to have a small baby and now a large one :think:

Ive only been to the daycare once for my GTT and they were lovely, spent way too long chatting about birth ideas and really got encouraged to go for a water birth. Pity I dont have the time (with working full time) and ability to get there again (a bus ride if I dont have the car and usually I dont, cant go on bus due to blackouts)
I also have shared care between my midwife and consultant as I have a few risk factors. The consultant is very business-like and always seems to be in a rush but my midwife is lovely, she always remembers and asks after my family & OH (I think she fancies him :lol: ) and we usually have a nice chat - because the consultant is looking after the medical stuff her role is more for advice and care so it's really nice.

Although one thing that slightly irritates me is that every time I see her, without fail, she says "we don't want baby to be bigger than 6 and a half pounds or you might have trouble"....I just laugh it off now! xx
Thanks girls :hug: , its interesting to hear your experiences with your M/W's. Does sound like they all rush through appointments though
I have 3 midwives for this area....only ever seen 2 though! seems a bit messed and rushed sometimes, as they got my dates wrong for a start :wall: and all my bloods were mixed up too.

they are lovely though and i feel taken care of. they are only mon-fri 9-5 tho so if something happens i have to call up hosp 20mins away xx
claire2711 said:
they are only mon-fri 9-5 tho so if something happens i have to call up hosp 20mins away xx

Tis a pain ay! Mine are Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays 10-4 only! And can never get hold of them then either! :roll:
my midwife is lovely, nothings ever too much trouble and she answers my stupid questions too.
she also runs the antenatal classes ive been going to. just a shame she cant be the one to deliver the baby as i feel comfortable around her and she always explains things in a matter of fact real life terminology. :D
only minus is that she's only at the gp's sugery every other friday.
I don't see the same midwife each time, I just book an appointment with whoever on the team is in the clinic that day. I think there are around 10 midwives in the team and I've met about 5 or 6. They all seem really lovely especially the two I've seen the most. I did ask the other day if someone from the team would definitely be on duty when we went into hospital and was told no, not necessarily :( So I could be giving birth with someone I don't know in attendance. My midwife said that they would love to be able to work on a caseload basis but unfortunately there aren't enough midwives which is a shame.

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