Your earliest pregnancy symtoms


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2011
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Hi ladies, I searched the forum and found something similar but it was dated 2010!!! Does anyone want to share their symtoms? I know some of you are in the 2WW but even if you could share your experience from previous pregnancies that would be great too :)
Earlier this week I had like MAJOR sensitive nips (TMI!) to the point where i could ware anything to bed :L Also had sickness a bit of light cramping, back ache.. felt EXTRA tired all the time and was bloated (along with gas ¬¬) I got a very light bleed from weds to fri like pnik/browny colouring and woke up today with like ametal taste and feeling ick! so now waiting until next week to test ...I tested today knowing it'd be too early ..stupid !

How about you?

Thanks for sharing, and don't worry about TMI, we're all in the same boat!! Do you know when you OV?

Ok me? I have had bleeding gums, headaches and one dizzy spell, felt nauseous several times throughout the day and the reason why I started this thread is because today I too have had a strange taste in my mouth. I can't really describe it but it also makes my face feel numb, oh and way too much saliva haha Not to mention my boobs are busting out the bra but what makes me think it's all in my head is that I don't have sore nipples like you described.

If I have a 28 days cycle I only OV on 10th Sept so these symptoms may be phantom BUT I stopped the pill on 4th Sept and read a sudden hormone change can release the egg earlier. Very confused but had some great advice already so thanks for replying!!

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My nips arent that bad anymore it was like for two days ish.. Yeah the taste is wierd, I'd describe it was sucking a teaspoon :L and I've been dribbling at night haha! I really don't know my OV date as contraception well and truly mucked up the signs etc hence why I came off about a month ago :/ I'm dying for this to be it but I just can't be sure and like you said I just wonder if its all in my mind :( xxxx
When are you going to test or have you done so already? Can't keep up with all the posts!! xxx
I tested this morning but I knew in my head it was far too earlyto tell! So I think I'll try again wednesday and saturday :) xx
Ok I will hopefully be able to test with you - that's if my ton of HPT arrive in time. If not it will definitely be Saturday anyway. Hopefully some of the other ladies can share their symptoms with us whilst we wait to POAS lol

Keep me posted :) xxx
just thought i would pop by and tell you that my symptoms started at 4/5 dpo and it was very, very mild cramping and funny sensations in my lower abdomen and tingling breasts...then at about 7/8dpo my breasts felt spongy

that was about it really...

good luck ladies :)

Congratulations SamsGirl and thanks for posting!!! I think I'm going to step away from the comp now as I'm pretty sure I'm working myself up!! xx
I have been up and down like a rollercoaster for the last week. I thought i felt a dull ache around my uterus area in the first few days PO. I thought I was crazy to have such feelings so early and it was more likely my imagination running wild and reading into things. I'm after reading on the internet that those early symptoms could possibly be fertilization. I didn't really feel anything much then for the next few days and that got me a bit down. I was also very busy at work so i didn't really have time to notice any symptoms. I woke early this morning and tried a HPT (I reckon I'm 10 DPO, but its possible i'm only 9DPO). I got a BFN. I went back to bed but when I got up I was very dizzy for about 30 - 40 mins. I've been getting sharp twinges low and to the right of my abdomen on and off today. I'm hoping this is implantation. FX. Thats my TWW story so far. Good luck with your BFP!! Oh I'm also extremely jealous - hearing about people I know who are pregnant. I'm happy for them - but i just can't talk about it.
I've got really achey hips this morning.. last night was some nasty lower back ache... praying this is a sign!! xxxx
Hi all!

I had that same fluttery feeling in my uterus leeleekitty and then it disappeared. At 4dpo, my stomach bloated massively and I had three consecutive nights of vivid dreams. At 7dpo, 2 days of metallic taste in my mouth but no other symptoms at all. Really believed it was all in my head, then on the day AF was due, (and because I had become a serial POAS person!!) I did a test with FMU and had a faintish second line. Tested again at 7pm that evening and got a + on a CB+, then finally, at 11pm, did a digital test and got pregnant. It is only this week that nausea has kicked in and my boobs are sore and veiny.

Good luck to you!!! :)

Those are telling signs Kitty but I know what you mean about your imagination running away with you!! Have you tried the website countdown to pregnancy? I found that useful. I'm in a similar position to you because I stopped taking the pill at the beginning of this month so really don't know if my cycle is 28 days. If it is then I'm 6 DPO today and I have had a headache all day.
I didn't see your post at first Gem, thanks for sharing that is really useful!! A massive congratulations on your BFP too. xx
Thanks guys!! its good to hear that!! I'm tempted to test tomorrow.. Have had a banging headache all day! So could be a head cold. FX tis a pg sign. I head away early on Wed on a work thing and will be away until Sunday. AF due wed. So it would be good not to have to deal with AF when i'm away. Yip will def do a test tomorrow before i go. must fly!!
TMI butttt I just felt very sick and only just got to the bathroom in time :L along with my migraines and back pain this is just pushed me more to go and test again tomorrow :D xxxx

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