Your birthing plan....

Mummy Rich

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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When do you create one of these?!?

Are you going to create one!?!?

I've not done one. I'm thinking about not doing one but I don't know if that's controversial???? I just want to be laid back about the birth and go with whatever is suggested.
I am slightly crazy organised lady and have made some notes on this already. I think most people do it well into Tri 3, but as I said, I am a bit forward as petrified of birth, and making notes and pretending I will have some control is my way of dealing...
I dunno when is best to do one, haven't really thought about it yet ad midwife hasn't mentioned it. I wouldn't really know how to go about making one. I have an idea of what I want but that's about it really.
I've got the pregnancy bible and there is a section in there about birthing plans and how to write them...
i guess anythings game on the b-day

think id like one to feel focused... discuss options with oh beforehand etc

I dont think there's many things I desperately want to happen or not to if you get me...x
I have loadsa things I want: have put them below, do you think I am OTT? Will my MW think I am mad if she sees this:

Notes For Birth Plan

I would like to remain active throughout the labour and use whatever positions i find comftable. Please encourage me to stay off my back.
I would like to minimise internal examinations. Please do not offer to break my waters and be careful not to suring any internal examinations.
I would like my midwife to guide me as much as possible, especially as to when to push.
Please monitor the baby as necessary and intermittantly whilst allowing me to move around when needed.
If available, i would like a bath/ birthing pool and birthing ball.
I would like no restrictions on food or drink during labour.

I want my mum with me the entire time. I want my husband with me for as long as he feels comftable and happy to be there.

I want my hypnotherapy cd playing whilst i am in labour.
I would like to have use of a bath whilst in labour, using the warm water to help with the pain. However I want to give birth on the bed.
I would like to use gas and air only. Please do not offer me any pain relieving drugs. Please encourage me not to have any pain relieving drugs.
I would like my husband to massage my back when I am in pain.

When my baby is born, please place the baby on my chest immediately. I would like to keep the baby unclothed and next to my skin intially.
Please allow me to deliver to placenta natuarally if possible.
I would like the lights dimmed when my baby is delivered.
If an emergency ceasarean is needed, i will be on my own with my husband and mum nearby.

I would like to breastfeed my baby as soon as possible after the birth, and would appreciate any help in doing so.
I give permission for my baby to be injected with vitamin k after birth.
I would like to go home as soon after the birth as I am able to move, unless I or my baby have any health problems that require hospital treatment.
If my baby has any problems I want my husband to be with the baby at all times if I am unable.
how organised are you...

have you got all that typed out hun?!!?xx
I did a very detailed birth plan the first time round and it was ignored when it came to the birth anyway so might not bother this time :wink:
I got my birthing plan sorting seconds after I found out I was pregnant, it has obviously had a million changes in between as I develop my ideas or change my mind...
I printed one off online that's colourful and has loads of tick boxes for my preferences :D gonna fill it out soon, but I'm pretty sure of what I want already!
All I know is I DONT want to be induced so I will go out of my way not to be, it was horrific last time and far too painful immediately!

I want to do it on gas and air if poss but if it gets too much i will request an epidural.
No way do I want pethidine, I had it last time and regretted ever having it-I felt totally out of control, it didnt help at all.
I would love to give birth with the lights dimmed but Im not sure thats possible in hospital, how can they see what they are doing?
I want to go home as soon as poss after the birth as Im scared of me or baby getting mrsa :(
I want no students, the least amount of people there the better.
I was thinking about a home birth but now thinking of a hospital water birth as i think my damaged tail bone will make out of water birthing hard - if I go to hospital I want to come home asap.
Least amount of drugs the better as I think you probably recover better not drugged up.
The nurse or whoever to cut the cord as my hubby is squeemish and a vegetarian, and I dont fancy doing it either -- skin to skin contact asap and feeding it straight away.

Basicly the least amount of fuss the better
and the least amount of time spent with strangers the better.
HollyHobby said:
Serendipity_ said:
I'm not thinking bout the birth :talkhand:

Why not imagine you just sneeze and out it just pops! Less scary!!


I keep telling everyone that I'm going to give birth in 5 minutes so they needn't talk about pethadine, inducing, forceps, stitches... :shock:
Serendipity_ said:
HollyHobby said:
:hug: [quote="Serendipity_":v3ngn6td]I'm not thinking bout the birth :talkhand:

Why not imagine you just sneeze and out it just pops! Less scary!!


I keep telling everyone that I'm going to give birth in 5 minutes so they needn't talk about pethadine, inducing, forceps, stitches... :shock:[/quote:v3ngn6td]

well I'm not being funny but why cant we just have them in 5 minutes? I mean the midwife says 10 cm dialated so surely it's just then a case of pushing and that surely can't take that long!!! Say a few hours of some niggly pains and then 5 minutes tops to push (only has 3" or so to travel afterall!!!)
No? :?

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