you'll probably think im completely potty...well I am but..

True lol
so lol have any of ur spells happened? if u've ever done any lol?

I did a real ouija board with this werid guy once and im pretty sure the thingy was moving on its own like haha
but it culd of been me just thinking it and apparantly we was talkin 2 a girl called emma who died of lung cancer due to smoking at the age of 21 and my oh at the time damien lol culdnt light up a cigarette no matter how hard he tried he still had his one hand on the mover thing but the lighter went out everytime it got near the cigarette and i thought he was like doing it himself somehow so somebody else held his nose and it stuff and it still happened the lighter never went out while being used in a different way but it did if sum1 tried 2 like a cigarette
slightly off topic but thats freaky dont u think?
I had LOADS of baby dreams before I got preg. We'd discussed it and decided when we'd start trying but LO decided to come 6 months earlier so they were preminitions me finks!

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