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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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:lol: The boob feeding is going ok!

One thing though.... I feel like I constantly have Evie on my boob- day and night. :x

I know they have a growth spurt but I didn't think it was for a couple of weeks! The midwife weighed E yesterday and she's put on half an ounce from her birth weight which I was suprised at because of the trouble I'd had last week. Now I know I am giving her what she needs I am happy- and really trying to give B-Feeding a chance... how long can I expect the constant feeding to go on for? It's absolutely knackering :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
connor's only just dropped back to feeding every 2.5 hours during the day, from every 2 hours :roll: we manage to go 3.5 hours at night. its bloody hard work - you're doing an amazing job hon. :hug: :hug: :hug: stick with it cos it does get sooo much easier, even when it still feels like they're constantly feeding - i'm quite adept at typing on the computer 1-handed (like now!), making drinks etc, or sleeping in bed at night whilst feeding :lol: :lol:
Well done for perservering, sounds like you're doing great :hug: :hug:

Logan seems to always be on my boob too. The longest he'll go between feeds during the day is 2 hours, he'll go 3 or 4 hours from 3am onwards. During the evening he has to be sucking constantly for hours!
I have logan in bed with me so I only half wake up at feed time and can get back to sleep no trouble.

When he's not eating he wants to be on the boob sucking it like a dummy! It's really hard to put him down at the moment cos unless he's in a very deep sleep he'll wake up as soon as I put him down I'm just making the most of being able to sit in the chair feeding and cuddling him, before I know it he'll be going to school and wont want me anymore so Im going to make the most of the cuddles whilst I can :lol:

Have you got a sling? A friend has lent me a ring sling and he loves it. Its making things easier being able to carry him around. He'll happily sleep in there on the school run, as soon as I put him in his pram he screams for boob!

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