You know you're in the third trimester when...


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2013
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A fun list (that everyone can add to) of telltale signs we're nearing the end of our pregnancies.

I'll start:

A 2 mile walk can reduce you to actual tears.
You drop something on the pavement... and leave it there.
You can't remember the last time you didn't need to pee.
You get told how big you look 16 times a day strangers

You have to roll over to one side to get up

Getting up at 4am to down glasses of milk, eat cocopops/ice-pops/haribo's is a regular thing now
You go to bed at 9:30 and by 10pm you have done 3 wees
You begin to waddle
Cute flutters become movements that make you gasp
People look at your belly before they look at your face
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A bath at 2 o'clock in the morning is normal (restless legs)

Crying over hubby buying the wrong milk is normal

Sleep is a distant memory

People start asking 'are you still pregnant?'

There are more pillows in the bed than days of the week

You actually don't care what you look like any more and would be happy wearing a bin bag if it fits properly
When you go UUIURRTRGHEHGGG every time you bend over to pick something up/tie your shoes/ etc

Flip flops are still your shoe of choice even when it's freezing outside because you just don't have the energy to wear shoes that need any sort of effort to put on.

Doing your weekly shop is the equivalent to a full body workout.

You wonder if your waters are going but in actual fact youre probably just weeing yourself a bit.
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You have the choice of exactly one outfit that fits.
You can see the wine at the end of the tunnel.
You want to nest but you can't be arsed to get off the sofa.
I'm laughing so much.. Half of this stuff I do already at 27 weeks - roll on the next 13!!

You wonder if your lady garden resembles the Amazon....
I'm having to use the power of the third eye & touch to shave my down there.. Also can't reach my ankles to shave them or paint my toes..
You're stuck in the torturous paradox of wanting all of the food, but being able to fit a fraction of it in.
hehee I've totally lost all sense of caring about my appearance! My fav trousers are these black maternity-gym type joggers which I wear all the time like a true style icon and I went up to the shops today without even having washed my face - although it was about quarter to 8am - proper grubs
Sitting on the loo half asleep during the night thinking "I could just sleep here"
Your bath becomes your second home

Can no longer see the downstairs region and rely on guess work and touch to shave.

When u can't stop eating everything in sight :)
I always compare my pregnancy foof to Rasputin. It's the long beard...
When you can't see your feet, no longer care if your legs are hairy and can't leave the house without a breast pad. Oh and crap bricks every time you feel a twinge when walking incase your waters break! Xxx

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