You can tell maths is not my strong point!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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This is a really silly question. Im tryin to work out my due date. It was December 24th for weeks then i was put forward, then back and im not sure on the exact way to work it out.
I cant find it on the inernet either, the only date callenders on there go from for period date. I've had a scan and i am 9 weeks 5 days can anyone help me to work out my due date so i could have a ticker please :) Thanks alot :hug:
:wave: hi, put in Dec 28th as ur due date and this should put you at your 9week 5 day mark. (just click on someones ticker and it'll take u to the site). :)
if you are 9+5 today you will be 10weeks on saturday 31st and 40 weeks on 27th December 2008 which would be your due date by scan dates. :hug:
Thanks, iv got it now. Ok so iv got my ticker but can anyone guide me on how to put it on my messages? told you im really slow lol
I've copied this from the technical help section:

How To Get Your Ticker Into Your Signature

First, you need to collect the code for your new ticker from any of the ticker websites on the internet. When you request the code from their website, remember to choose the 'BBCode' option (not HTML) when it asks you what 'encoding language' you would like. This might sound quite daunting, but it really isn't! It's just a fancy word which means that your signature will work straight away without any tweaking

Next, and once you have created your ticker as above, select 'My Profile' at the top of this screen. This will take you to your Pregnancy Forum profile. The 14th box down is entitled 'Signature' - simply copy and paste the code you have created from one of the above sites into that 'Signature' box, and click 'Submit' at the very bottom of the screen. And that's it!

Hope that helps & look forward to seeing your new ticker!
I SEE IT!! I SEE IT!! woohoo!! Thanks all im a very happy bunny now :D

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