You and animals!

beanie said:
mrs_tommo22 said:
Should have said in previous post i voted for first.

I have two dogs and two cats and a mini hamster. Like Beanie i think its important for children to grow up around animals.

I buy free range eggs from up the road - taste amazing and massive! Though cant afford free range and organic meat :( wish i could as i do feel a pang of guilt when i have to buy tescos or asda cheap chickens knowing there battery ones.

we cut down on our chicken eating massively so we could just have free range. Also if you buy just the legs and thigh portions they are loads cheaper, even if free range. I will buy a large FRer for £7 - which is alot but I can easily get 3 meals out of it, roast chicken, then a curry, then a risotto.

You're making me hungry!!! I've never had risotto, I see it on TV all the time and it looks yummy! :D
I love Snakes and Lizards. We have 6 snakes and they make great pets.

I love dogs and would really like to have one but it would be unfair to have one as a pet as we both work and are out of the house quite a bit :(
George is extremely allergic to cats and has an asthma attack if he is near one for too long but, i am not a massive fan of cats myself.

If I could i would have a houseful of animals, i love them.
mrs_tommo22 said:
LisaJ1986 said:
helsekia said:
I picked the first one.i was brought up with animals,we always had loads.rabbits,cats,tortoises,dogs,parrots,budgies,mice,gerbils,snakes,hamsters,fish the list goes the minute we have 2 dogs,a rabbit,2 gerbils,2 the past ive worked in a vets and helped manage a boarding/breeding kids are brought up with animals and to respect them,kiaras mad about them especially dogs we even took her to crufts a couple of years back and she loved it :rotfl:

You sound just like me. Except instead of tortoises, gerbils and snakes, we've had guinea pigs, bearded dragons and sand skinks.

At the moment we have 2 dogs, 2 cats and 3 kittens. But the 2 cats need re-homing pretty desperately, my mum's dog is going to my dad's and the kittens are getting re-homed anyway. That just leaves me with the one dog to deal with. If i do get repossessed she'll have to go too as i cannot take her to a hostel with me.

I have never, ever not had a dog!

Awww babes i hope that doesnt happen. Is it Molly your lurcher your keeping?

I'm hoping to keep her yeah. She's a lovely (quite hard work) dog. I got her as a pup from rescue but it's one of those when you sign the agreement that if you re-home it must be back at that kennel. But i can't do that to her. I'm already letting her down.
I LOVE all animals, especially wild animals and I love seeing them in their own habitat. I've been lucky enough to ride an elephant through the jungle in Nepal at dawn, a camel in the Indian desert of Rajastan, seen wild dolphins in Western Australia and fresh water dolphins in Nepal, Eagles in scotland, wild monkies in India, Nepal and South East Asia and countless awesome insects like praying mantis, gecko's and beautiful tropical fish snorkelling off the Great barrier reef! Oh and in Nepal a Rhino chased us up a tree! Oh and in India I held a lamb in the desert and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever experienced, he so was lovely :) I also visited Longleat and loved it and we visited Singapore zoo which had a nighttime safari which was excellent :)

I'm sure theres loads more but you get the idea :wink:
I love most animals, except spiders. I don't have any pets at the moment - I'd love to have a cat but living in a rented house so not allowed, plus near a main road so wouldn't want it to get run over like my last cat :( I had a horse for 9 years until he we had him put down in 2006. I like dogs but I definitely wouldn't want to own one lol.
Lou said:
seen wild dolphins in Western Australia

Me too, Monkey Mia by any chance? :D

I am a huge animal lover. Growing up I was really into animals and the RSPCA. I was a veggie for a year but in the end I just couldn't live without meat! I've travelled quite a bit and seen some awesome animals in their natural enviroment including whales in the Indian ocean and the not so lovely insects of Asia!

We have a dog and 2 cats. Our dog was a rescue and our cat was a pregnant stray that we took in and ended up keeping one her kittens which is now our second cat. I also try and never kill anything (although the mosquito is my only exception :twisted:) I paid a £30 cab ride to take an injured bird to a rescue centre and I've even rescused a fly from the toilet! :lol: So I am def an animal lover! :lol:
Misslarue said:
Lou said:
seen wild dolphins in Western Australia

Me too, Monkey Mia by any chance? :D

I went there and saw the dolphins - I even ended up on the front page of the local paper as they were doing a story about the dolphins and took pics of us in the crowd lol. However the best place in Oz is Rainbow beach where a wild dolphin comes into the beach everyday. Hardly anyone goes there as it isn't that well known and we spent ages with the dolphin just feeding her |(and all the bloody pelicans that were there too). However this was 2002 so no idea if she is still there as she was an elderly lady. We also went whale watching and this massive humpbacked whale came right up to our boat (you can't approach them) and poked his nose out to say hi - that is still one of my top moments ever, they are just beautiful.
Wow! How cool, hope you kept the paper :D
I loved monkey mia, never heard of Rainbow beach unfortunately. I did go up to Ningaloo Reef though which was just amazing. I was there this time 10 years ago, shocking! Seems like only yesterday :lol:
I love animals but wouldnt get a pet cos I just done have the time or patience to deal with havin to arrange a pet sitter if I wanna go on hol etc plus theyre expensive and Im a shallow moo and would rather buy a pair of shoes :oops: :lol:
Misslarue said:
Wow! How cool, hope you kept the paper :D
I loved monkey mia, never heard of Rainbow beach unfortunately. I did go up to Ningaloo Reef though which was just amazing. I was there this time 10 years ago, shocking! Seems like only yesterday :lol:

yup still have the copy we made of the paper. Rainbow beach is on the East side, below Hervey Bay on the Cooloola coast. We went to Fraser Island from there.

I went to Ningaloo Reef too - Turquoise Beach where I was swimming and snorkelling and looked up to see everyone out the water. When me and my snorkelling buddy got out after 10 minutes everyone was going on about a Tiger Shark :shock: - good times. I loved it out there, some amazing memories. Can't wait to take the girls there. I remember it like yesterday too. Australia was an amazing place to see wildlife
Yes it was Monkey Mia :) What an awesome place! Jed got picked out to feed the dolphins too lucky sod :D

One of these days I'll scan all my pics onto the computer :roll: We loved Australia too. We will definately take Isaac there for a road trip when he's older :D


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