You all are the NICEST people!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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A couple of months ago I started to have alot of wierd things started going on with my body, all signs lean toward pregnancy but im still not sure I havent tested since Apr 18 when I believe to have had implantation bleeding but test camer back neg. my period is due the 13th of may so i will wait until then. The odds in us being able to have children again are slim to none we were both told that by the doctors :cry: So this may just be me wanting it that bad! But anywho getting off the topic when I started having these signs I turn to the internet to seek advice and after searching and searching I fell upon this forum where I now sit back and read all of your situations and how all of you connect with one another during the happiest of times and unfortunatley the toughest of times for some women. I think it's wondeful that there is a forum where women can come and explain their situation and be supported no matter what!! Im from the U.S. not the U.K. but I think you guys are great and I thank you!!! Congrats to everyone who has been blessed with a life and Good luck to all who are trying!! P.S. Could someone please tell what bfp bfn and af stand for I mean I know they are positive test neg test and period but the words are ive been trying to figure it out :D Sorry this has been so long but I just wanted you all to know that!!! :D
Hi Ree

BFP is big fat positive
BFN is big fat negative
and AF is Aunt Flo

Hope this helps


It's funny after 2 months I can't figure out what they mean, then after I post that message I found another topic that had those abbrev. in it!! Isn't that my luck!! :eek: But thank you for repling to me!! ~Good luck!!! :D
Ree, I'm pretty much in the same boat your in. I'm from TX and I've been having these signs but the test has come up negative...Now I'm just gonna wait till I'm suppose to get AF again which isn't till the 26 of may. I'm happened upon this forum and these wonderful women have been helping me out alot.


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