I've posted a number of times on here about how unreliable internet cheapies can be - I've had positives on them several times, including a couple of days after the end of my period, when I POAS'ed as an experiment. My GP has also told me that the clinic stopped using them because 50% of tests gave a false result.
Anyway, I was browsing the FF forums and found this thread, with a pic of someone's DH's BFP - hilarious!
Yes, they're cheap, but I just don't think they're worth the heartache any more. A faint line on an i/c could be the start of a BFP - or equally likely is just an evap. After 8 months, I can't take that agonising is it/isn't it situation any more.
So - make up your own minds! But if you don't think you're strong enough to take the disappointment of days of faint lines followed by AF, then either don't use the cheapies, or wait until AF is at least a couple of days late!
Anyway, I was browsing the FF forums and found this thread, with a pic of someone's DH's BFP - hilarious!
Yes, they're cheap, but I just don't think they're worth the heartache any more. A faint line on an i/c could be the start of a BFP - or equally likely is just an evap. After 8 months, I can't take that agonising is it/isn't it situation any more.
So - make up your own minds! But if you don't think you're strong enough to take the disappointment of days of faint lines followed by AF, then either don't use the cheapies, or wait until AF is at least a couple of days late!