yeay finally!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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So its been a struggle with boy names as it has to be a muslim name and all OH have said is mohammed. NO THANKS.
We where gonna have swedish middle names as im swedish.
But last night i said to OH that if i can pick any name i want that is a muslim name we can use his fathers name as a middle name!
And my favourite name is... NOA! and he said YES!
so we are gonna have a little Noa! :D
Im so pleased!

our little boy
Noa Ansumani Sahore

what do you guys think?
Its not english but will work in england as it prounances almost just like Noah

Ps. i love PF as we are not telling the name to anyone but here i can!! :whistle:
Great, i love it! Well done on coming to an agreement! :dance:
I LOVE Noa-before we decided on Sebastian we were going to go for Noa but I completely changed my mind! So glad you've agreed x
I love the name Noa - well done on coming to a compromise- it can be hard to do with the first I think.
gorgeous name isobel least you have a name ive known longer than you and still dont:(x
beautiful name chick cant wait 2 c a pic wen he arrives xxx
lovely name Isobel - great idea to gain naming control by giving in on the middle name, Noa is very british sounding , love it , you must be soo pleased , and I imagine OH is very happy with his dads name as the middle name - well done X

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