

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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Just handed in my dissertation!! I'm finished with uni for good!!!!!!!!

So so so so happy. I'm just going to wait for my results now (for July).

In the mean time I'll try and enjoy this pregnancy as much as possible, might even start to do some shopping, how exciting!!!

Good luck to everyone who's finishing uni/school/college and having exams!

:D :D :D :D
Wooohoo!! I remember that feeling back in 2002!! What are you graduating in? Any plans for the MA or PhD?? When's your ceremony? Congratulations, I hope you come out with a 1st class!! xx
OMG I WILL NEVER GET A FIRST, LET ME JUST TELL YOU NOW! I know i havn't worked hard enough, looks likes im gonna end up with a 2/1, but to be honest i don't mind. at school and colege i used to get very good grdes but at uni i was never a very academic person unfortunately but i'm proud that i've managed to finish the 3 years without giving up. I did media studies and mass communication, and i'm hoping to have a career in the media (magazines, fashion, TV) but also have my own business one day (not too sure which field yet). I studied at London metropolitan university, which is not the best uni but hey, im still gonna get a degree, so... anyway im not looking to start my career nw, as i wanna focus on this pregnancy and raising my child for the first couple of years.
Hey a 2:1 is fantastic, it's what I came out with. A 1st is SOOOOOO hard to acheive and no one sneers at an A-Level at grade 'B' so its the same thing....well done you. I done marketing & international business - hated it by my 3rd year (I done a 4 year sandwich option) but plugged away and got through it. I want to go back once LO is settled in school and do something in medicine!!
yay well done you. you will have to let us know as soon as you get results. i am just finishing second year of uni and i hand in portfolio next friday so i am rushed off my feet trying to finish my work placement. pregnancy means i will have to take a year out as well but i am determined i am going bk. being a teenage mum didnt stop me gettin a levels and this pregnancy wont stop me getting my degree.

you should be really proud hun, enjoy the summer and your pregnancy!!!

kimheath said:
being a teenage mum didnt stop me gettin a levels and this pregnancy wont stop me getting my degree.

Kim: well done you hun, that must have been hard!! :hug:
hey! dont diss a 2:1 grrrrrrrrrr thats what i got (BSc (hons) animal science :wink: ). i worked very hard for it and am really proud.

anyway. glad you got your dissertation in! its the greatest feeling :D i didnt know what to do with myself after i did mine- i felt really guilty for having so much free time on my hands :hug:
Congrats !! I remember the relief when i finished in 2002!! x

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