Yahooo I'm actually here in Trimester 2!

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hello girls, I have just arrived from Trimester 1 , and so pleased to finally be here.

For those that already know me - yahhoooooooo lovely to see you again!

For those that don't - here is a quick intro......

I am jenni , I am nearly 37 years old, and I have three kids, (two boys aged 11 and 9, and a girl aged 8). I decided somewhat late that I wanted one last child, and that I was not finished, and after a quick arm bend and bribe of a new remote control helicopter, my husband has given in, and following a missed MC at nearly 12 weeks in March, I am now happily 13 weeks plus 5 days pregnant with my last baby. I will be telling work soon and my kids will be told when on holiday next week - can't wait to see their faces!

Looking forward to spending and sharing my Trimester 2 with you girls X JJ
Welcome to tri 2 jenni!! Your pregnancies going so quick!! x x
Woooooo JJ!!! So happy that you're over here with us!!

Thanks girls, It has actually felt liken forever! - I feel like I've been leading a secret double life since dec 22nd last year, and now finally I can start being honest me again to people!
Oh I think they will be sooo pleased. I think the oldest has guessed, it's been a funny old year so far!
The middle is always on another plannet, so he will have no idea , but will be pleased, and the one I'm most looking forward to telling will be baby's room buddy -my eight year old daughter , she will go berserk with excitement, she soo wants to share her room with another says it's not fair the boys share and she is all alone! Everywhere we go she adopts little todlers and plays with them, oooh I can't wait to tell her!
Hiya Hun! Congrats and welcome over!!
wahooooo im so pleased you have joined us in tri 2 xxxx

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