yaaaay :-)


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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This is probably of no interest to anyone but i just have to share it cos im soo chuffed! was so scared to tell any of my family but i plucked up courage to tell my aunt today and this is her reply -

I'm absolutely in floods of tears and overjoyed for you, I think you'll be wonderful parents. If I had my time again I'd have them younger and i would have had more. Plenty of time for career stuff later, you won't retire till you're about 80 by then!! What I can't believe is that about 2 days ago it flashed through my head that you were pregnant and I swear that's true. Congratulations, I'm so thrilled for you. If anyone says anything remotely negative I'll kill them!! I suspect only mommar will!! Ignore her. Ring you in a bit. Tell your mum next. Thank you so much for telling me first. I love you, well done. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello - just popping in! ;) That's lovely mrs, well pleased for you. Go on, tell your Mum. It'll be fine :) Sounds like you have a very nice aunt :)

thanks!! yeah shes such a star :) think ill brave it and tell my mum tomorrow! x
Good luck girl! Let me know how it goes :) PM me cause I'm bad at remembering where I've posted!xxx
Glad telling your aunt went well, thats lovely what she said :)
Goodluck for today hun, remember you might get a nice suprise and your mum might be over the moon, if not remember you and your OH are over the moon (and your aunt) so dont let her spoil it. Let us know how you get on x x

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aww what a nice response sounds like you have 1 nice aunt there :) just tell your mum instead of letting it eat you away and even if the response isnt fantastic they have a habbit of comming round to the idea :) its your life at the end of the day you sound like you have a great oh and know your own mind and its not like your really that young i had my 1st at 18 and i wouldnt change it at all as i get to enjoy them for longer than what i would if i would of waited till i was 30+ :) x
I'm glad you had such a nice response from your aunt, I imagine it will have lessened your nerves for telling everyone else. I hope your mum isn't negative with you!

Good luck

That's lovely hun. As the others have said get on and tell your mum - she might surprise you and if she doesn't then at least it's done and you can go back to enjoying your pregnancy with your OH and your aunt!! xx
my mum just says not another 1 and your nuts and how will you cope and all things like that lol but she is still excited to meet her grandchild lol
that is lovely what your aunty said, i hope your mum is the same. i was scared of tellng people this time i was expecting because it was my 6th and my son was only 7 months old when i found out. everyone was overjoyed to my suprise,so you could be suprised to
Aww that's brilliant, if that response is anything to go by, your mum will be over the moon, as she should be :)
Awww that's so sweet! Good luck for today. My mum took it much better than I thought she would I hope yours does too! Let us know
told my mum today and she was really pleased :)

just worried about telling my gran now because both my aunt and mum dont think she will take it well - because im so young, and not married :-s
glad your mum was pleased :) your gran will be ok too im sure
That's lovely Cherelle, what a fab Aunt. She's obviously really protective of you which is lovely x
Ahhh thats lovely! It makes life so much easier when you have people around you who are happy for you and supportive!!

Good for you xxx
Awww I'm so glad your mum is pleased :)
Is your gran quite old fashioned then?
X x x x
Glad it went well and your mum was pleased hun x x

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glad your mum was made up, i hope your nan is fine too,i'm sure she will be even if not at first then she will as soon as she sees baby your young probably wouldn't be an issue if she's old fashioned as years ago they had babies young, but the not married maybe. it was my grandad that took it worse, he is old fashioned he had a grumble my cousins were married my brothers were married then my nan told me that she was pregnant before they got married so they had to have a fake wedding date lol so to ignore him he's just being a moan, my grandad still doesn't know i know as he is a very proud man i hope no one here knows him hehe he adores my kids though and i go every saturday if i dont turn up he's the first to ring me and say where were you i missed the kids not me lol

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