YAAAAY! I get to home birth!


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2012
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I'm over the mooon, The midwife came yesterday for my booking in appointment (bloods etc.) And we discussed birthing plans, and she has told me that she will 100% support my desicion to have a home birth! I thought I wasn't going to be allowed one as last pregnancy I had obstetric chollestasis and was enduced early, being classed as high risk, but she said with the right medication and picking up on it early there should be no problems, and it is only 5 mins to the hospital in an ambulance! This is the best news ever, meaning I can have my family around me, the best form of pain relief! :) is anyone else planning on a home water birth?
Congrats, so pleased that you get to have the birth you want :yay: Good luck :)
Yay grats!
I want a home birth but have no room for a water birth :(
Yay! I am glad you get to have the birth you want :D

I really want a home birth, but I live in a country/culture where it's frowned quite heavily upon. In fact, where I am from the elective c-section rate is sky rocketing because it's 'easier for the doctor and mum to have a firm date and plan' blah blah. Chinese are the majority group of people and they have the highest rate of c-sec births in the world (just over 50%) and because of their beliefs about auspicious dates they plan it right down to the minute.

I do plan to fight for a home birth and I have already researched some doula/home midwife options, but because I am living there as a non-resident we have to use private insurance (though can use government services at a minimal cost) and not sure I will be able to get my insurance to cover it. That said, I have been away from home for nearly a month and found out I was pregnant after I had left and won't be home for another two weeks so I currently don't have a doctor/hospital/midwife or any type of plan. lol

Anyway, that is far more than you probably wanted to know about my birthing conundrums!
I am considering a home water birth too! With my last one I had a water birth in the hospital which was great but would have been even better if I didn't have to leave to go to hospital with crazy contractions ;)

I am thinking of hypnobirthing too... X

I didn't even know people could have home births , I'd love that! I hated my hospital experience last time! I especially didn't know you could have home water births, daft question but do they supply the pool or do u have to sort something? I'm guessing the bath wouldn't work lol x
Oo I like the sound of that lol, our hot tubs ready for binning wonder if that would do lol.. Prob not but would be a nice idea lol x
eBay has loads of birth pools, many for less than £100 x
Yay! I am glad you get to have the birth you want :D

I really want a home birth, but I live in a country/culture where it's frowned quite heavily upon. In fact, where I am from the elective c-section rate is sky rocketing because it's 'easier for the doctor and mum to have a firm date and plan' blah blah. Chinese are the majority group of people and they have the highest rate of c-sec births in the world (just over 50%) and because of their beliefs about auspicious dates they plan it right down to the minute.

I do plan to fight for a home birth and I have already researched some doula/home midwife options, but because I am living there as a non-resident we have to use private insurance (though can use government services at a minimal cost) and not sure I will be able to get my insurance to cover it. That said, I have been away from home for nearly a month and found out I was pregnant after I had left and won't be home for another two weeks so I currently don't have a doctor/hospital/midwife or any type of plan. lol

Anyway, that is far more than you probably wanted to know about my birthing conundrums!

I really hope that you can find a way around it, because Iv'e heard it is a wonderful experience, and I love listening to people's birthing conundrums :)
I am considering a home water birth too! With my last one I had a water birth in the hospital which was great but would have been even better if I didn't have to leave to go to hospital with crazy contractions ;)

I am thinking of hypnobirthing too... X

Iv'e been looking at hypnobirthing today, looks wonderful, some of the courses are so expensive though, but definately worth it if it works! x
I didn't even know people could have home births , I'd love that! I hated my hospital experience last time! I especially didn't know you could have home water births, daft question but do they supply the pool or do u have to sort something? I'm guessing the bath wouldn't work lol x

it is meant to be a more relaxing way of birthing for both mother and baby, and something I am really loooking forward too. You have to arrange your own pool, there are plenty of places to hire them from, or you can buy inflatable ones, cheaper to get a second hand one off ebay, you have to put new liners in when you use them anyway so there is no worry of other birth juices being left behind haha x
Oh that's brilliant news! You must be so pleased. I'd love to homebirth, couldn't with my other two as I was induced first time and my second was transverse until 38 weeks and there was no time to organise a homebirth.
I'm over the moon, I was induced with my first and I was convinced I wouldn't be allowed one! I just hope it all goes to plan!
Congrats I'm very glad you are in a position to have the home birth you would like.
I'm hoping this will be my third home birth , although mine are usually to fast to be able to have a water pool , they are really lovely experiances I find them so much more private, personal and stress free. I wish you all the best with yours xx
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wow that is amazing, 3 home births! I'm just keeping my fingers crossed, that it all goes to plan :) x
Heheheeh! Congrats I glad you get what you want.

I'm sticking with the hospital birth. I like to walk around heaps when in labour and I always dribble fluid and all sorts don't want to be cleaning that up after I've had a bub. Plus I don't want my kids to see me like that.

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