x-mas shopping

we've got a very big family so we started in january ,my 3 kids are done.just the rest now :D
I start mine just a few days before Christmas - I'm very last minute.
i start mine xmas eve lol

owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i lurve xmas much better then summer i love winter
rach said:
ive wrote my lists and decided what im buying everyone so will be starting sometime this month always do i like to be bought and wrapped by halloween :D xxxxxxxxx

Are you pulling my leg??? Seriously??
I normally like to start early and get organised, but with everything that has gone on so far this year, I've not even thought about it. I read this thread yesterday,then had a dream last night that I went on xmas eve to buy everything and the shelves were all bare!!! :shock:

I think I need to start!! :lol:
i will start after hannahs birthday on the 20th august i have a big family it takes time lol
I start when I see things but I am usually finished a few weeks before xmas, then it's mass wrapping time!
already got a few things. got joshua a batman go cart and some other superman bits

bought kieran a bmx. and got some bits for my nieces and nephews

Usually i start in Dec but Kiaras birthday is less tehn 3 weeks from christmas so its gonna be expensive figure if i start near the end of Oct i can still spoil her for both

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