wrong diagnosis by hospital


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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hey all well amy had an appointment today at airdale to see about her heart.
when she was at leeds when she was born wewere told that he aoric valve was the wrong way round, i kept saying that after each scan she had, and today ive been told that she doesnt have a problem with the valve as far as he can see and all he sed he could see was a hole in the heart.she will need key hole surgery on it when shes about 2 or 3 years old. im annoyed coz we have been told the wrong problem and that they didnt see this as the cardiologist had taen a few scan of her heart when she was lst in hospital im confused at what to do and what to beleive friends are saying i can sue the hospital about this :wall2::confused:
is the hole in the heart a worse or a better diagnosis ?

Perhaps when she was tiny, it's really hard to see / diagnosise these things, and only by her growing a bit the real problem has become clear.

At least you now know the plans for her when 2-3 and can move forwards a bit X
they sed that even thou she was small they should of picked it up and they would of been able to spot it coz it would of been on all the scans i dont know if its worse or better i know shes more likely to have more chest infections and be in hospital more due to them. but he was saying that its bad that they told us the wrong info about her imncluding her having charge sydrome it turns out she doesnt have that either. so at the moment where not sure what to believe coz one sed one and the other saying another thing hole in the heart means that the theres a hole between the two chambers it allows blood to pass to the rightsided chamber and it being overload with blood and a result in the becoming congested coz of the excessive amont of blood going in. the proble they sed she had was the aortic valve being the wrong way. all babys have holes in the heart when there inside the womb but as there born and the next few days it closes up but hers didnt.
Hi Emma,

So sorry you were given wrong information, what a worry for you. It sounds like the new information you've been given is more positive than the previous diagnosis. Does amy have any other issues to indicate charge syndrome? Cleft lip etc? Not having charge would be extremely positive! Also, having an ASD is a more common issue with the heart and a less invasive procedure. Once corrected most children have a very healthy life!

Of course it's your right to sue if you wish, however, as someone said, cardiac diagnosis can be difficult. If they mentioned something as serious as charge I would expect they would have done a lot of further tests? If I was you I would be asking for a repeat echo and ecg for a second opinion to be sure! Xx
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