

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Well just found out tonight that my sister is pregnant with her first child.
I am excited but also not.
She just broke up with her bf last month and now hes moving back to be with her but is it worth it to be together just for the baby ?
Also the doctor said she is probably about 2 months cuz her last af was just spotting so she has ot go for a scan.
But heres the thing if she is two months its sooo close together it could be her ex's or this rebound guy she slept with., but if shes only just pregnant about a month then its the rebound guys.
So confusing but shes not telling her ex about thsi other guy which i think is not right.

Will be kinda nice for Kiara to have soem cousins that live close and so close in age too . Just thought ide share just had to tell someone
Big news Katrina - I hope she gets everything worked out.

Does she know you are expecting too? It'll be lovely to be pregnant together.

Wishing you and her all the best.


Valentine xxx
Hi Katrina,
Hope your sister manages to sort everyting out. At least you're close to her, so if she needs support she's got you there.

Crikey - must have been a shock! At least you will be able to support each other. I think if I were in her shoes I probably wouldn't tell him about the rebound guy either, unless he turned out to be the father. It would only cause hurt, and it's not like she cheated as they had split up.

Hope she patches things up with her ex.


Thanks for all the replies.
Valentine, yes she does know im pregnant so will be exciting to find out how close to our due dates we really are!
Still cant beleve im gonna be an auntie, i have Bernies niece and nephew but now its gonna really be my own :cheer:
Me and my sister are very very close as well , ive been telling her to test all week cuz our af used to come at the same time and told her she was a week late but she couldnt remember when she had it lol, and my instinct was right :)
Katrina xx
congrats to you.

I was in a simular situation with a friend ...she never told the guy she'd had an affair but the little girl always thought of her unbiological Dad as the Dad and still does despite the two of them splitting up. Its a hard one bu think you have to support your sisters descision.
hi hun hope everythings works out ok for you and your sister it will be great for both of you to go through your pregnancys at the same time. take care :hug: x x

Yes of course i will support her :)
My neighbour and i were talking and she reminded me that on my birthday about 6 weeks ago she slept with a friend of mine . i had totally forgot so now there are 3 possible dads. :? just keeps getting more and more complicating. Was gonna tell her but decided ide wait till she has her scan andif its a possibility maybe remind her of it cuz they were both really really drunk. I just hope this all works out for the best , whoever the dad is.

Well she had her doctors appointment and she is due the same day as me and has her ultrasound scheduled on thurday and i have mine saturday so it will probably change
Getting really excited get to spoil my niece or nephew :) :D
awww it will be great to have them the same age they should play together nicely

good luck for sat
thats fab news :D congrats. wish i had someone here who was the same stage as me :)

in regards to telling her BF i agree it would cause pointless upset if he is the dad. on the other had he may find out from someone else (always the way)

as for geting bk together for the baby, maby this made them realise they want to be together. if i were you id tell her to have a good think of wehter she want to be with him for the baby or her.

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