

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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.... And there was me worrying!

"Most moms who are nursing full-time are able to pump around 1/2 to 2 ounces total (for both breasts) per pumping session. Moms who pump more milk per session may have an oversupply of milk, or may respond better than average to the pump, or may have been able to increase pump output with practice. Many moms think that they should be able to pump 4-8 ounces per pumping session, but even 4 ounces is an unusually large pumping output." - there is actual link for any of you bf mums that panic when we cannot express much!

Just out of interest, how much do you manage to express in each session (from BOTH breasts?) I am averaging 3.5 - 4 ounces at the moment!!! :dance:
I used to be able to get about 6 oz out of both, I never thought I was getting enough! X
Thank you for this, i always worred i wasn't getting enough!
I normally get between 3-4 from both breasts, but like smallpurplecat said, depends how long since last pump/feed. I think Ella's having a growth spurt cause she's feeding loads atm so when i've pumped the last few times, only got 1-3 from both.
you are very welcome... i'm a nightmare at the moment, constantly worrying i'm not producing enough and then I found that link... so, well done to us all! We are doing good! ;-) xx
mine varied day to day but always felt rubbish if didnt get much. if I got a good lot it'd put me in a good mood and vice versa. How silly really~! could get up to 6 oz from both every am after his feed but that was doing it for 5 months so my boobs got trained i think
Mine can vary from 1oz some days to 10 oz on others!
it really is mad how much it varies huh? mind you, for some of you that have seen my fenugreek thread - that appears to be really helping at the moment! :) x
about 2-3 for me hard work though
Today I pumped 3 oZ total (both) and this evening got 6. And I was worrying about my supply. Lol. But she guzzles that 6oz (she has that every evening before bed as she gets really stressy on the boob) every evening! I have a pig and not a baby I swear. Lol. So is that all they get or do our boobs secretly store the rest that doesn't come out the pump?
That's good lexi! And gosh no! Babies are far more efficient at getting more milk than ANY pump. From what i've read and been told anyway!!! Babies will take what they need when they need it. Layla always has a bottle before bed but that is our 1 only formula feed of the day which we introduced to settle her more at night. She is now sleeping up to 8 hours :) she too got stressy on the boob at night which was one of the reasons for introducing it and she takes 4-5 oz of the 6oz bottle given. She has bottles of expressed milk during the day as "drinks" and her normal 4 hour feeds on the boob too lol so she certainly gets plenty! I also find that layla tends to "guzzle" on the bottle but i'm also wondering whether it is because it may be a bit harder for her to suck on the bottle teat? x
Yay, thank you!! I thought I was really rubbish!

We were out Sunday afternoon/evening and took a bottle. By the time I got back my boobs were so full and I managed loads, for me (5oz).

I need to start making them up more regularly though, but it takes ages and my pump is really loud so we can't watch tv whilst it's beig done, so I get lazy and don't bother!

It's hard to find time to do it though, as the gap between her feeds isn't very long and I'm worried about taking what she needs for her next one!
have you tried pumping whilst feeding? it is also a great way of being able to pump more milk out too... what i do is let layla feed off right breast while i pump off left and then switch over.... that way you are able to express when normally you may not have the time. it also means that you are fully emptying both breasts which is keeping supply up etc and then you have the expressed milk to offer her too as well as trying to build up enough for bottle feeds aswell. my pump is really loud too but it doesn't bother layla. hope that makes sense lol xx

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