wow im really starting to "balloon"..


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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iv just noticed in the past few days my belly has really started to grow, i mean alot and its really rounded and hard even with an empty stomach. i cant even beleive that theres actually a little bubs in there i havnt even recievid my doppler to hear him or her yet :( but im pretty exited about this :D how about everyone else reaching end of first tri? i know im not alone :wink: x
Its so exciting isnt it!

it just makes it real that thers actually a baby in there!

:dance: :dance:
i want a belly but all i have is a bit pushed out down the bottom that doesnt come in when i breathe in.. Its weird to think that my "9mm sac" is making me look like this ahahahah
My belly's HUGE. :shock:

I didn't expect it to be so big so early but I'm quite proud of it lol.

Oh and the dopplars great but don't worry about not finding heartbeat as I know some people don't manage to hear it until later. x
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one! The last week I've really grown, and its much harder. I'm getting some pains aswell, I'm guessing its everything stretching. I know at this stage the foetus is really increasing in size.

My boobs are no longer tender although they are still big, and I'm still getting sick in the mornings.

How's everyone else at the 10-11 week stage.

I have my NHS scan on Monday which I'm a bit anxious about and then the week after a private nuchal scan.
Hey Satch - Just got to say "snap" - I feel exactly the same as you! :cheer:

My sickness seems to be passing...making room for...HUNGER! :D

Not sure I will be able to hide my bump for much longer!
sally12 said:
Hey Satch - Just got to say "snap" - I feel exactly the same as you! :cheer:

My sickness seems to be passing...making room for...HUNGER! :D

Not sure I will be able to hide my bump for much longer!

Hi, I am exactly the same. ( 9 + 1 today) I haven't told anyone at work but noticed two colleagues looking at me today .. probably saying I have put a lot of weight.. well I hope they said so. I am not going to tell anyone until my twelve week scan.
sally12 said:
Hey Satch - Just got to say "snap" - I feel exactly the same as you! :cheer:

My sickness seems to be passing...making room for...HUNGER! :D

Not sure I will be able to hide my bump for much longer!

Its good to hear that someone due on the same day as you is feeling the same :cheer:
When's your scan?

ps : I'm also a Sally :lol:
:hug: I love the bumps!! I can't wait to have a proper sticky out one, bumps are just so beautiful!!

bump bump bump bumps.. they are so beautiful! can't wait for mine :) I'm jealous of you beautiful bumped up ladies!!

so most people start getting theirs around the 11 week stage?
I had a bigger bump at 10 weeks than I do now! lol
I was really bloated all the time! Couldnt suck it in! Now its a little better lol! :lol:
wow ladies thanks for so many replies :wink: i had been out for the day!
Really Lea? i dont find i bloat at all now, my bloating went down about 7 weeks and i felt tiny ha! then each week i see a little defference. i went for my dress fitting last week on the monday and barely got the zip done up (but still mannaged to), today i went hadnt really had anything to eat as i felt a little sicky and my zip was was about 3-4 inches appart at the middle area but could zip upto my hips and button the top perfectly :rotfl: the seamstress was amazed how much i had grown and had to measure me up so she can have everything prefect by next week! :) also i have now got a wardrobe consisting of track bottoms and some matching tops, maternity tops, stretchy tank tops and elsatic pants! i wore my new black elastic tracksuit today OH pointed out my belly actually sticks out further than my enlarged boobs hahaha! :rotfl:
satch said:
Its good to hear that someone due on the same day as you is feeling the same :cheer:
When's your scan?

ps : I'm also a Sally :lol:

Satch - I have my downs scan on 16 June when I will be 13 weeks. Because I had a scan at 9 weeks the NHS wont give me one at 12 :( Its really annoying because I have been waiting for my 12 week scan to tell everyone - might sneak a private one in!

P.S - Sally is actually my middle name but I like it more than my first name! :D

Baby&i - Glad you can still get into your dress :D All I am wearing these days are tracksuits too! I dont like to squish my bump!

Sorry, just realised that I am turning this into a chat thread :oops: x x x
It's so nice to hear of all you other women showing already. I managed to hide my first pregnancy until I was 20 weeks pregnant, this time there is no chance of doing that, I'm showing already with a nice little bump, those who don't know I'm pregnant might think I look like I've got a bit of a belly on me, but those who do know, say they can tell I'm pregnant, I can't wait until I'm popping out of all my clothes.

I think all pregnant women look great and more sexy than they normally do, I already have bump envy of women who are obviously pregnant.
I've def got a bit of swelling. When I'm lounging on the sofa, I sit around with my jeans unbuttoned! :oops:
i feel like i'm showing. i keep turning in profile to OH and saying "can you see it, can you see it?" he says no :( lol.

i can see it and feel it though, and its very exciting! yay!

i had a scan just to make sure everything is going okay because i was having some spotting and cramps, OH and i saw the tiny heart beating, and got to keep a picture of our little penut! yay!

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