WOW - after 10 months bambino is finally teething


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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Now I know what it's all about. Since Dom was 6 weeks people say 'ooo he's teething etc' every time he cries or dribbles etc etc, but no teeth have come.

Then yesterday he would play happily and all of a sudden shriek and cry then stop just as quick and hold his hands below his ears on his jaw. I knew this was my sign and I checked and there was a little bud.

Looked again today and it's broken through and there is another bud next to it. This is great news but of course it means he is well grumpy and I am tired and feel like crap !!
aww thats great, well sort of may be tiring for you lol. Has he got the hot rosy cheeks aswell? I didnt get any teeth til 9 months old, I was walking around with no teeth in my mouth!
aww bless him

they say it gets easier after they cut there first one.

wish Coby would hurry up, he is so grizzley in the days

awww bless him
B has got his 5h tooth thro today lol all come in 1.5 months lol
Sarah- All in one and a half months- wow! Does he get upset after the tooth has totally broken the gum? The reason I ask is that two of Elliott's teeth have turned up this week but today he has been really upset all day and chomping on a finger either side of where the two teeth are so I was wondering if it's the two teeth he has just hurting as they move upwards or if it might be some more about to show up? I can see a white bulge on his bottom gum about where the canine teeth might come. Which of Braydon's have come through? How long does it take for them to be fully there? I have no idea about teething at all!

He is still sleeping through too, I thought teething would make him wake all the time.

Dom seemed his most grouchy on the day the tooth broke through the gum.
libby started teething at 3 months she has 6th tooth ( 10 months now) and bless her she still finds it painful, think it might be they are all coming at once...... i know its not her fault but everyday can be a bit of a nightmare,xxxxxxx

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