Would you mix??


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
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Hi Ladies

Just wondering your thoughts on something please?

I am bf LO and am now well established and she feeds really well. On an evening she cluster feeds from 7pm-11pm and then goes to bed......she tends to sleep from 11pm to anywhere between 5 and 7am, which is great.

I was thinking of (maybe) giving her a bottle of formula at 7pm to fill her up and in the hope it will cut down the cluster feeding on a night....as Im literally tied to the settee from 7pm-11pm...............I was jut wondering what everyones thoughts are on this? Good idea or not?

Many thanks :) xxx
Do you have a Bedtime routine? I know your baby is young but I started one at about 2.5 weeks and A has generally been a pretty good sleeper. Also, people may disagree but I would say if you are doing well at beastfeeding don't introduce formula - it will affect your milk supply. When he was younger he used to cluster feed between 5-8. I bath Arthur at about 615 he spends about 15-25 mins in bath depending on mood then I dress him and give him a quiet feed in a dark room. Then I put him to bed. He used to wake twice in night for feed now he either sleeps through or wants feeding once. I am a big believer in the bedtime routine. I have no daytime routine at all! (I am exclusively bf as well if that helps) xxx

Thank you that's a big help...maybe we can start to look into a routine at bedtime instead and go from there! She kind of is in a bedtime routine it's just too late at 11pm....I think I need to do the bath, feed, bed routine...I might start to introduce this week :)

Thank you hun xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!

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