Would you give your 5 month old chocolate????????

I don't know how to get past this one as I'm so upset with her and if her attitude is that my rules don't matter then she will not be looking after Jack at all.
She also told me to stop breastfeeding when Jack was only a few weeks old so shes just one of those people who thinks her way is the best way.

I am suppose to be returning to work in July (having delayed this quite some bit) but after this I think I'm going to let my work know I'm not coming back. I can't deal with anyone bringing up my chilld for me especially if they don't respect my rules.
I would be absolutely mad! Giving your baby first solids is such a special experience! How could she steal it from you? And chocolate? Absolutely not!!!
Do you normally have a good relationship with her? If so, maybe you need to speak to her about it.

Is she suppose to be looking after lo?

Why did she tell you to stop bf? I'm so shocked at how many of you experience that attitude!


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Ok so I just updated my facebook status as follows what do you think???

Please do not criticize me for exclusively breastfeeding my son for at least 6 months. I am trying to do what is best for my little boy, I love him to pieces and would do anything for him. I appreciate not everyone agrees but here are my reasons why http://www.askdrsears.com/topics/breastfeeding/why-breast-best/breastfeeding-benefits-top-bottom , most importantly please note the point about the babys digestive system and how breastfeeding EXCLUSIVELY can lower the risk of getting Crohn's Disease. I would really appreciate everyones support with this, please do not feed my baby anything without first checking with me.

Shes going to take it as an insult as my OH suffers with Crohns Disease very badly but i felt i needed to get it off my chest and perhaps now i hav mad myself clear seen as she didnt listen to me in person
Poos with less offensive odour? Someone please let my boy know!!

Hun no wonder you're so annoyed, I agree with the others I'd be livid. It is such a disrespectful thing to do and doing it before you'd fed him yourself; that is just plain nasty! I have started Angel on a bit of solids (just a tiny bit of baby porridge every morning) and the other day I made her some pureed apple and my mum told me to add sugar as she thought it'd be too sour and I said absolutely no way I don't want to give her anything like that now and certainly not in the next few months and she just said mm whatever, so god knows what she'd end up feeding her when she looks after her :( xx
That's totally disrespectful in my opinion and chocolate and sweet stuff is not the best thing that's dreadful

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I gave my son tastes of food from about 6 weeks onwards only licks to begin with of liquid food on my finger but everyone is different but i know how you feel about MILs mine used to cuddle my son too much and wouldn't leave him to cry she still is overly mardey with him but i just put up with it as i know i am his mother not her x

29 weeks pregnant. Team yellow x
Best thing to do is let her know or just avoid going around with your baby x

29 weeks pregnant. Team yellow x
Do you normally have a good relationship with her? If so, maybe you need to speak to her about it.

Is she suppose to be looking after lo?

Why did she tell you to stop bf? I'm so shocked at how many of you experience that attitude!


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It was suggested that she looks after lo when I return to work but to be honest I think that is out of the question as clearly she will not respect my rules.

I think generally we get on ok we've not had any major diagreements except to do with feeding I guess.

I think she wanted me to stop breastfeeding in the beginning as the whole of OH family think is disgusting I think?
Tbh hun id maybe avoid the fb stuff. It'll just cause more arguments and not help the situation with MIL or your OH. I totally appreciate your points though! She is 100% wrong for not listening to you and feeding your lo.

As for them thinking that about bf, if that is what they think, then they're not very educated and are massive plebs! Just ignore that completely!


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Tbh hun id maybe avoid the fb stuff. It'll just cause more arguments and not help the situation with MIL or your OH. I totally appreciate your points though! She is 100% wrong for not listening to you and feeding your lo.

As for them thinking that about bf, if that is what they think, then they're not very educated and are massive plebs! Just ignore that completely!


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Thanks, not about to start a massive FB argument I just felt I needed to express why I want to wait until 6 months to feed lo and why I decided to bf in the first place. OHs got the hump but tbh I did try to speak to him about it yesterday and he didn't listen so I felt the only way I could get it off my chest was to post my reasons for waiting and I don't think theres anything wrong with that. MIL took a liberty in feeding lo for the first time and I just wanted to express that it is not what I wanted. I'm such an easy going person normally but sometimes enough is enough.:wall2::roll:
I agree with you putting it on facebook if thats the only way you can get the message across! Its not the fact that she gave Jack food its that it was his first ever food and thats something that should be yours to do.

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