Would like to go into labour now!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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I'm only 1 day overdue! I never got to 41 weeks with my others so im really hoping this one will follow the same pattern!

Thing that has annoyed me is that for the past 2 weeks i've had loads of signs and pains, and today - NOTHING! One or two BHs but thats it :( Feel quite disappointed.
I really hope he comes by the weekend cos the kids go back school next week and theres no way i'm doing school runs still pregnant! x
Poor you! The thought of going overdue doesn't excite me at all! I'm the most impatient person in the world. Plus, I assume it gets pretty uncomfortable towards the end.

Hope you go into labour soon and don't have to wait too long :) xxxx
Hopefully the calm before the storm as they say. Fx crossed for you xx
Its not nice is it hun?!
Am so fed up and uncomfortable now!
Fx for us both hun x
Fx things move soon for you.

Ps I had loads of signs for a week before I had lo and day before I went into labour nothing so you never know

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I'm refusing to do the school run still pregnant I just can't handle the comments, oh so uve not had the baby yet? Yes I had her and I've left her at home u tit, and I have a football up my top, ;) xx
Thanks ladies. Yep it really annoys me when people say "oh havent u had that baby yet?!" I was getting asked that from 35 weeks! I just feel like saying "yeah he's in his pram, cant u see him?!" I physically wouldnt be able to walk next week if im still pregnant, i can barely walk round my house! x

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