Would I be mad???


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Oct 20, 2008
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To go back on the pill for 3 months?

After 5 months of heartache and irregular cycles, me and my husband have been given the chance to visit australia and new zealand towards the end of the year.....if I got pg in the next couple of months it wouldnt be possible for us to go....and due to a family members kindness the flights are FREE!!!

So our choices are:

a) turn the offer down and continue ttc, knowing that if we didnt fall, we may of given away the opportunity of a lifetime BUT we might strike lucky and get our longed for baby

b) accept the offer and go back on the pill until June-ish time, then start ttc again, meaning if we were lucky enough to fall pg I would be ok to travel and would still enjoy the trip

Will I regret the 3 "wasted" months and could they make a difference to us ever having a child or not? Or is it just 3 months and not the end of the world.....
Using condoms is not an option unfortunately :(
Could you use condoms for 3 months, that way if you decide to go when you get back you can straight back into TTC and not wait for the pill to leave your system.
I'd plan on going, hon - when are you going to get an opportunity like that one again? I would not, however, go back on the pill, b/c they can really screw up your system so that even if you wanted to start trying again in 3 months time, you might not be able to. I would just abstain during your fertile period (whenever you see your creamy, wet or ewcm) and just make sure to use the loo right after sex to get the maximum amount of spillage (sounds odd giving THAT advice :lol: )
LilysMummy said:
Could you use condoms for 3 months, that way if you decide to go when you get back you can straight back into TTC and not wait for the pill to leave your system.

No - condoms are a defininte no-no :( Due to a huge allergy, even to latex free ones!
I think you would be mad not to go hon. This is like.. a once in a lifetime trip!
I agree with melissa on the pill situation though. It could really negate all that you've done so far!

Best of luck on your decision making!

I think I would plan to go too, and 3 months shouldn't make any difference at all to your ability to fall pg :)
If I were you I would pay a visit to your GP to talk through your options for contraception over the next 3 months if thats what you decided - the pill takes a while for your body to get used to and then to get used to it being gone when you come off so it might delay you conceiving in that respect and mess up your cycles.
i am stalling on ttc atm! i am charting so i know where i am in my cycle and he is "pulling out" when i think i am fertile. obviously its not 100% ( :dance: ) but we have decided that we dont want me back on the pill and if it happens it happens it will not be the end of the world i will be well pleased really! but i think you should go for it! what about that persona fertility monitor?
I can't believe you're thinking of not going!! When are you going to be able to do this when you've got littl'uns??!!

My first consultant put me back on the pill 18 months ago when I found out that I wasn't ovulating. I was having cycles of 25 days but with bleeding on 20 of them! She put me on the pill as a short-term solution to my awful periods and didn't want to help me further with my infertility.
However, when my second consultant saw me three months later, she of course told me to come straight off the pill, which I did.

Actually, the pill sorted me out and since then my periods have been compltely regular! I was devestated I went on the pill but am now so thankful I did!

I think what I'm trying to say is that the pill can sometimes give you a little boost in any direction and shouldn't always be completely ruled out. I'm sure the best person to talk to is your doctor x
If I were you I would definitely go on holiday. I went to Australia 3 years ago and it was amazing! You definitely don't want to miss that oppertunity.

Don't they say you are at your most fertile when you first come off the pill? :think:

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