To go back on the pill for 3 months?
After 5 months of heartache and irregular cycles, me and my husband have been given the chance to visit australia and new zealand towards the end of the year.....if I got pg in the next couple of months it wouldnt be possible for us to go....and due to a family members kindness the flights are FREE!!!
So our choices are:
a) turn the offer down and continue ttc, knowing that if we didnt fall, we may of given away the opportunity of a lifetime BUT we might strike lucky and get our longed for baby
b) accept the offer and go back on the pill until June-ish time, then start ttc again, meaning if we were lucky enough to fall pg I would be ok to travel and would still enjoy the trip
Will I regret the 3 "wasted" months and could they make a difference to us ever having a child or not? Or is it just 3 months and not the end of the world.....
Using condoms is not an option unfortunately
After 5 months of heartache and irregular cycles, me and my husband have been given the chance to visit australia and new zealand towards the end of the year.....if I got pg in the next couple of months it wouldnt be possible for us to go....and due to a family members kindness the flights are FREE!!!
So our choices are:
a) turn the offer down and continue ttc, knowing that if we didnt fall, we may of given away the opportunity of a lifetime BUT we might strike lucky and get our longed for baby
b) accept the offer and go back on the pill until June-ish time, then start ttc again, meaning if we were lucky enough to fall pg I would be ok to travel and would still enjoy the trip
Will I regret the 3 "wasted" months and could they make a difference to us ever having a child or not? Or is it just 3 months and not the end of the world.....
Using condoms is not an option unfortunately